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After the nurse got everything situated, they moved in a motion of one-band one-sound. Fatima and Junior held each other hands while the nurse walked slowly beside her just in case she fell or needed to take a brake. Zac walked behind her like he was in Men In Black acting like he was private security, every so often taking a look at her ass and even swiping at it a few times.

Moving off the elevator, they walked towards the radiology wing of the hospital. "You okay baby?" Zac asked noticing her movements slow down with each passing step, he wasn't gonna lie, this was a long ass hallway. She nodded her head up and down, "Y-yeah."

"Mrs, when we get there can she get a cup of water or something by chance?" Zac asked, he wasn't sure how many fluids Fatima had since he just arrived but she was sure between the medicine and being in and out of consciousness her throat was bitter and dry.

The nurse turned to give him a warm smile, "Of course." Opening the door to radiology, Fatima was prompted into the room to wait for the technicians to come in. They currently had her sitting up on the exam table with Junior sitting right next to her playing with both of their hospital bands. "Damn don't make me feel old." Fatima chuckled, he just compared their DOB where he was overly dramatic. She was only 24 compared to him being 5.

"Did you ever meet Martin Luther King?" He inquired looking at her, her face instantly dropping, while Zac bit his lips to stop from laughing. "And just like that, stay away from me." She mugged him. "You know he was born in 1929 right?" She asked him.

He nodded his head yes, "I know that, not so far from you, right?" She shook her head, "I was born in 1999 so yes, that's a 70 year difference. And unfortunately, he was called home in 1968, so I never got to meet him."

Junior shrugged his shoulders, "Close enough if you ask me."

"Well it's a good think nobody asked you, right?" Zac finally chimed in, after getting a good laugh in between the two. "Junior leave ya momma alone before she choke you out. There are certain things you don't ask a lady, okay? They find it very rude and disrespectful."

"Like what?" He asked playing with his hands.

"For starters, you never ever ever ever touch their hair nor do you ever ask if that is their real hair. There is a terrible stereotype that black females cannot grow their hair so when you ask if that is their real hair, they take offense to it as if they aren't good enough to have good hair. Not only that, but you just shouldn't touch someone's hair because it's sacred to us, imagine if I touched your LEGO collection after you spent all morning working on it, you would be really upset. Does that make sense?" He asked breaking it down as best he could, Junior nodded.

"Next thing is you never ever ever ever assume they are pregnant or their age. When you grow older and you meet a lucky lady, she will try to trick you up, but you're not gonna fall for it. Females are very sensitive individuals who take looking vibrant and young very seriously, just like we take going to the gym and sports very seriously. So if a women ever asks you, how old does she look, all you need to respond back with is, 'You may be 42 but that ass is 22...GYATTTTT." Zac dramatically stated causing Junior to laugh. "Daddy you silly!"

"Zachary." Fatima spoke staring at him, making him straighten up real quick. "Okay for real, if a lady asks you that, you tell her it doesn't matter what her age is because she looks absolutely beautiful. Afterwards, compliment her hair or outfit to shift away from that conversation, females will usually give a thank you and talk about the outfit or hair."

"Okay." Junior replied back with, a knock came out when the same nurse came in with a clipboard to go over everything and answer any questions. The nurse handed her an ice water before she began speaking, "We are gonna do two ultrasounds, the transabdominal and the transvaginal for a more in depth look, we just wanna make sure there is no actual bleeding inside of you that the transabdominal may not pick up." She informed them.

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