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kyle finds a weird note in his locker

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kyle finds a weird note in his locker.

"how do you guys eat this crap?" kyle mutters in pure disgust. a bitter expression on his face, he was staring directly at the muddy slop between two burger buns that sat on a paper tray. it was a supposed sloppy joe.. he hesitantly pushed the tray away, making a sound of disturbance.

monday morning, horrible morning

kyle and his friends were eating in the cafeteria, it being lunchtime after all. kyle forgot to pack his own personal lunch, so he had to settle with this.. abomination.

obnoxious chewing came from around the table, it belonged to: cartman and clyde. and kenny was trying to get a quick bite of butters food, who offered it happily.

he wanted to puke, how could one eat such a thing? he did eat school lunch back in elementary but.. it seemed to have gotten grosser, the nasty servings they'd give out to the teenagers. the only good thing here was the outdated vending machine that kyle only took from a few times.

everything in this school was ass. he wouldn't wish this type of meal on his worse enemy.

well, besides cartman, but he seems to enjoy this nasty shit.

a tapping sensation pressed down onto kyle's shoulder. kyle turned his head to see his best friend, stan, offering him some of his lunch. containing a simple turkey sandwich and cheesy ruffles.

"you want some?" stan asked.

kyle pondered for a moment. "no, it's alright. i'll just eat later when i get home or something."

stan stared for a moment, eyes locking with kyles as if he was trying to read him, he ended up looking away and muttering a simple; "okay."

kyle waited for lunch hour to be over, it's not like he hated it but he preferred to be in the classroom, doing work. not spending time talking to a bunch of idiots who rambled about whatever happened on the game.

he pushes his glasses when he feels them falling off his face, which earned a loud and proud laugh from mr. fatso across the table.

"HAH! fuckin' nerd!- did you see that kienny? he's a nerd." cartman snickers.

nobody found it funny.

kyle scowled. "fuck you, fatass. nobodies even laughing-  i bet you've already asked for seconds- no thirds. you fat fucking bastard."

"sure did, and woah man, what's up your ass kahl?" cartman smirks annoyingly.

kyle didn't respond and held up a middle finger. he wasn't about to partake in such childishness right now.

he stared down at the table, glancing up once in awhile to stare at his surroundings. kyle waited for the ringing of the bell to echo throughout the cafeteria, to give him a quick cue that time was up and they need to get back to class.

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