" Who hit your car . Tell me I will-- " Before nouman could complete. I said.

" I'm sorry " They look at me . And I smiled a little. Ahad sighed.

" Come here hug me idiot " He said as I chuckled and hugged him. I look up at the other two. " Come on now join us." They look at each other sighing they joined the hug.

I close my eyes, it feels so good. These people are my family too. When I had no one they were here for me. They don't show it but they love me . We all pulled away as we all adjust our suits in sync.

" Don't you dare tell anyone we did this " Nouman said clearing his throat. I laugh shaking my head.

" Of course I have some respect don't you dare spoil it " Kashif said but he smiled at me and ruffle my hairs.

" And I remember someone became Muhammed Rohan " Ahad said eyeing me. I shrugged as they all smiled. Including nouman.

" We are so proud of you " Ahad said . Wait he is being too nice today. Something is really fishy. What the hell.

" So do we have a plan " Kashif said as they both shook their head . I frown.

" Plan for what? " I asked not knowing what's going on.

" To enter into the girls party . We can't leave them all to themselves " Ahad said.

" Oh right and you all are missing them as well " I said as they nodded in sync. Well I'm missing my Pyara as well.

I smirk and clap my hand together. They look at me with narrowed eyes.

" No no Rohan has going good going in his mind " Nouman said. I smiled at him.

" I have a perfect idea " They sigh as I laugh like a evil. No I'm not evil.

I'm very innocent. Right....


" I am hating it from the starting " Nouman said holding onto his red sari. I controlled my laugh , :

As we stepped into the pre-wedding party, I couldn't help but feel like a complete goofball. Wearing this pink lehenga was not exactly my idea of a good time, but Kashif and Nouman seemed to be having a blast in their getups.

Nouman, though, was grumbling like there was no tomorrow. He kept whining about how ridiculous he looked in that red sari. And honestly, I couldn't disagree.

But Kashif and I? We were owning it. Strutting around like we were born for this, serving snacks and drinks to all the ladies. I gotta admit, it was kinda hilarious.

Every time I caught a glimpse of Haya, my heart did a little flip. She looked absolutely stunning in that pink dress and hijab. But every time I tried to approach her, she just brushed me off, mistaking me for one of the vendors. Talk about frustrating.

Meanwhile, Kashif was busy trying to catch Hania's eye. He kept winking at her like he was in some cheesy romance movie, but she just rolled her eyes and went back to gossiping with her friends.

Ahad, bless his heart, was on a mission to get Ayesha's attention. But she was too busy chatting away with the other ladies to notice him. Poor guy looked like he was about to pull his hair out.

And then there was Nouman, looking like a lost puppy in that red sari. Kinza kept walking right past him, completely oblivious to his presence. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy.

But despite the madness, we soldiered on, serving snacks and drinks like our lives depended on it. And you know what? It wasn't half bad. Sure, we looked absolutely ridiculous, but seeing the look on our women's faces , they looked so beautiful and happy.

Plus, it was a story for the ages. I mean, how often do you get to dress up like a woman and crash a pre-wedding party? Definitely something to tell the grandkids one day.


As I twirled around the dance floor, the lively beat of the music pulsating through the room, I couldn't help but lose myself in the joy of the moment. The pre-wedding party was in full swing, with girls laughing, dancing, and catching up with old friends. The atmosphere was electric, filled with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming wedding.

Suddenly, Ayesha tapped me on the shoulder, her eyes sparkling mischievously. Behind her, Hania and Kinza exchanged knowing glances, their lips curved into mischievous smiles. "Haya, you've gotta see this," Ayesha said, nodding towards the corner of the room.

Curious, I followed her gaze and stifled a laugh when I saw the boys—Rohan, Kashif, Ahad, and Nouman—clumsily attempting to blend in among the crowd of females. Rohan was wearing a pink lehenga, Kashif a blue one, Ahad a green sari, and Nouman, well, poor Nouman was struggling to maintain his dignity in a bright red sari. It was a sight to behold, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter at their antics.

"What on earth are they doing?" I exclaimed, shaking my head in disbelief.

Ayesha leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I think we should have a little fun with them," she suggested, her voice barely containing her excitement. Hania and Kinza nodded eagerly in agreement, their faces lit up with mischief.

With a wicked grin, Hania grabbed the microphone and addressed the crowd. "Ladies, I think this party could use a little spice," she announced, her voice carrying over the music. "How about we bring in some male dancers?"

The room erupted into cheers and applause, the girls clapping and hooting in excitement. I glanced over at the boys, who were looking increasingly flustered and out of their element. Their attempts to blend in as females were becoming more comical by the minute.

As the music started and the girls began to dance, I couldn't help but giggle at the boys' reactions. Their jaws practically hit the floor as they watched us with wide-eyed astonishment. It was clear they hadn't anticipated this turn of events, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at their expense.

But amidst all the laughter and fun, there was a moment of tenderness. I felt a gentle tug on my arm and turned to see Rohan, still disguised as a girl, looking at me with a mixture of embarrassment and longing. The other girls had pulled their respective partners aside as well, none of them showing any signs of recognition.

Unable to contain my laughter, I reached out to squeeze Rohan's hand. "You look hilariously cute," I managed to say between giggles.

Rohan's cheeks flushed pink, but he couldn't hide the smile that spread across his face. "I missed you, Haya," he confessed, his eyes softening. "I'd do anything just to be near you."

My heart swelled with affection for this silly boy in front of me. As we stood there, surrounded by laughter and music, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the friends and love that surrounded me. And even though the boys had made fools of themselves, their antics had brought us all closer together.


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