Chapter 24. Party

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Arcane Atelier

Severa couldn't believe she was here again, lying in Emma's bed, chuckling as she watched the girl run around the room searching for an outfit to wear. It all started when Jasmine told everyone about this party some college kids were hosting and now seemingly everyone was planning to attend. And where Emma went, Severa had to follow without question.

"UHH! I can't find squat to wear!" Emma's frustrated exclamation pulled Severa's attention back to her friend, who had abandoned the search and now lay on the floor, kicking her feet in mock distress. 

Severa couldn't help but laugh at Emma's dramatics. "Well, maybe if you didn't insist on trying to find the perfect outfit, you wouldn't be in this predicament," she teased.

Emma shot her a playful glare before hopping up from the floor and scanning her wardrobe once more. "Hey, presentation is key, you know!" she retorted, finally pulling out a sleek black dress. "What do you think about this?"

Severa raised an eyebrow, examining the dress. "Hmm, not bad. But maybe something a little more... daring?" she suggested with a mischievous grin.

Emma's eyes widened in mock horror. "Daring? Are you trying to get me kicked out of the party before we even arrive?"

Severa chuckled. "Come on, Em. You've got the confidence to pull off anything. Besides, who wants to blend into the crowd?"

Emma hesitated for a moment before a determined glint flashed in her eyes. "You're right. Let's make a statement tonight," she declared, tossing the dress back into her wardrobe as Jasmine walked into the room holding a letter.

"Severa, someone sent you something~" Severa's curiosity piqued as Jasmine entered the room, holding a letter. She sat up, intrigued by the unexpected delivery. "For me?" she asked, reaching out to accept the envelope from Jasmine.

Jasmine nodded, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Yep, looks like someone's got a secret admirer," she teased, handing over the letter with a playful grin.

Severa chuckled, shooting Jasmine a playful glare before turning her attention to the envelope. With eager fingers, she tore it open, not finding a letter but photos. She pulled the first one out a bit before quickly stuffing it back inside the envelope, shocked.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Emma asked, concern etched in her voice as she glanced over at Severa, sensing her sudden change in demeanor. But Severa was far too in her own head to even hear what Emma said. 

 What in the freaking hell was Sirius thinking sending her pictures like that?! She could feel her face heating up as Emma took the envelope out of her hands and pulled out the pictures.  

Emma's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the contents of the photos, her brows furrowing in confusion. "Holy shit... who is this?" she asked, glancing between Severa and the images in her hands.

Severa bit her lip, unsure of how to explain the situation. "He's a friend....," she muttered, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.  But she couldn't help but smirk as Jasmine and Emma ogled over the photos, their reactions bordering on comical. She leaned back, crossing her arms, feeling a mix of surprise and amusement at Sirius's bold move.

"Damn, look at those abs," Jasmine exclaimed, her eyes practically sparkling with admiration.

Severa chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "Seems like Sirius is trying to make a statement," she remarked, her tone laced with amusement.

Emma glanced up at Severa, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, looks like someone really does have a secret admirer," she teased, nudging Severa with her elbow.

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