Chapter 17. Arcane Atelier

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Potter Beach House

Severa was peacefully asleep, enjoying a dream of herself sitting among the clouds when a sudden thud followed by the sound of voices jolted her awake. She groaned and rolled over, shielding her eyes from the sunlight streaming in through the window. Blinking away sleep, she squinted at the figure looming over her, gradually recognizing Sirius with his characteristic grin.

"Morning, hot stuff," he greeted cheerfully, prompting Severa to push his head away as she sat up, her confusion evident. Her gaze then shifted to James, Remus, and Peter, who stood at the foot of her bed, wearing equally goofy smiles.

"What the hell...?" she muttered, rubbing her eyes to clear her vision. Severa's mind raced as she tried to make sense of the unexpected visit from the boys. She glanced around her room, noticing the blinds open, letting the sun light up the room. 

"What the hell...?" Severa muttered, rubbing her eyes to clear her vision. Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of the unexpected visit from the boys. She glanced around her room, noticing the blinds open, letting the sunlight flood in.

Before she could gather her thoughts, Severa felt hands wrap around her ankles and yank her out of bed. Startled, she let out a yelp as she tumbled onto the floor, the blanket tangled around her legs.

Sirius and James were both laughing uproariously, while Remus wore a sheepish grin. Peter stood off to the side, trying to suppress his giggles.

"Come on, Baby! We don't have all day," Sirius exclaimed, offering her a hand to help her up.

Severa scowled playfully at them, brushing herself off. "You lot are mental," she declared, but a smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. She untangled the blankets and stood up, looking between the four.

"What the hell do you lot want?" She placed her hand on her hips and gave them her best 'Euphemia Glare,' her eyes narrowed in mock seriousness.

James chuckled nervously, exchanging glances with Remus and Peter. "We thought we'd kick off your last day here with a little adventure," he explained, trying to sound casual despite Severa's intimidating glare.

Sirius jumped in, undeterred by Severa's display. "Yeah! We're heading up to Acrane with you. Thought it'd be fun to explore." Severa's eyes widened. She shook her head, her hair flying around like crazy.

"No! That's not gonna happen!" She brushed her hair out of her face. "You can do anything but that!"

Remus stepped forward, a placating gesture with his hands. "Severa, come on, it'll be fine. We'll stick together."

But Severa's expression remained resolute. "You don't understand. Acrane is my new School for the summer. I wanna make my name known without.....y'all."

Peter, usually quiet in these discussions, spoke up tentatively. "Maybe... maybe she's right, guys. We shouldn't push it."

James shot him a grin. "Oh, come on, Pete. Where's your sense of adventure?" He and Sirius took a step forward, both grabbing Severa's hands and shaking them giving her huge puppy dog eyes.

Severa met them with blank looks, not phased by their eyes. She yanked her hands back and pushed the four out her room. As soon as they were out, She took a breath, Today was the day.

Today was the day she went to Arcane Atelier and started her next chapter, and she couldn't feel any more scared. You may not see it on the outside, but on the inside, She was fucking horrified. She raised her hand and placed it over her heart to calm herself.

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