Chapter 7. New Friend

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Potter Manor

Peter always wanted to be a good friend.

When he was a child, he didn't have any friends as nobody wanted to be friends with the 'chubby' kid.

But Peter never let that discourage him. Instead, he poured his energy into being kind, understanding, and supportive of everyone he encountered. He believed that friendship wasn't just about popularity or appearances; it was about genuine connection and empathy.

But as he grew older, Peter found it even harder to find friends who didn't become his friends just to bully him into doing things. So when he met James and the others, he thought he had found true friends, friends who liked him for who he was, friends who didn't see him as the odd one out.

It was like heaven, he wrote to his mum about James, telling her all about his life with real friends, about his life in Hogwarts. He was only 11 and he felt what some would call 'happiness', but it was all a lie.

He met Snape that day on the train. A group 7th year had pushed him down causing his trunk to knock open, as the group walked off laughing, she was the one who helped him up and picked up his stuff.

She had a cold outside, but just from one meeting, Peter could tell she had a kind heart.

The next time he saw her was with Sirius.  They were walking down the corridor when Sirius pulled his wand out of nowhere and hit her with a hex.


Peter watched in shock as Sirius cast the hex, his heart sinking at the sight. He didn't understand why Sirius would do such a thing, especially to someone who had shown kindness to him. Peter hesitated for a moment, torn between intervening and staying out of it. But seeing the distress on the girl's face, he couldn't stand by.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Peter exclaimed, rushing over to Severa

Sirius turned to face him, a smirk playing on his lips. "Just having a bit of fun, Wormtail. Nothing for you to worry about."

"It's not funny!" Peter retorted, his voice shaking with indignation. He knelt beside her, helping her up and checking if she was alright.

"Get away from me!" she pushed him back as she stood and sent a cold glare at Sirius.

Peter felt the sting of rejection as the girl pushed him away, her eyes flashing with anger as she glared at Sirius. He understood her frustration, but it still hurt to be on the receiving end of her wrath.

"Fine, suit yourself," Peter muttered, stepping back and swallowing his wounded pride. He watched as she stood up, her movements tense with fury, and shot one last glare at Sirius before storming off.

Sirius laughed, a smug expression on his face as he turned to Peter. "Looks like she's not a fan of your heroic antics, Wormtail."

Peter clenched his fists, trying to suppress the rising anger within him. He couldn't understand why Sirius took pleasure in causing others pain, especially someone as kind-hearted as the girl they had just antagonized.

"She's just a..a....Snivellus" Peter shot back, his face putting on a fake smile.

"That's the spirit, Wormtail," Sirius said happily. "It's just a bit of fun. You just need to learn to relax."

But Peter couldn't shake off the guilt gnawing at his conscience. He had failed to protect the girl from Sirius's malicious actions, and now she was left to fend for herself. 

End of Flashback

Every time Peter thought back to that moment, he wished he'd just gone with his heart and maybe he wouldn't be where he is now. 

"Why are you up here all alone?"

Peter's head snaped towards the voice. "S-Snape?"

She gave him a look and came a sat next to him. "So, you gonna answer my question?"

Peter was to see Snape standing there. He hadn't expected anyone to interrupt his thoughts, least of all her.

"I... I was just... thinking," Peter stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't shake off the surprise of her presence, nor the guilt that surged within him at the reminder of their previous encounter.

Snape gave him a scrutinizing look before sighing and taking a seat next to him. "Well, it's not good to dwell on things alone. Trust me, I know."

Peter glanced at her, surprised by the hint of vulnerability in her voice. He had always seen Snape as someone aloof and unapproachable, but now he realized she was just as human as the rest of them.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Peter muttered, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I just... I messed up, you know? And now... I don't know what to do."Snape remained silent for a moment, as if contemplating her response. Then, she spoke softly, her voice laced with a hint empathy.

"We all make mistakes, Peter. What matters is how we choose to move forward from them," she said, her eyes meeting his with understanding. "You have a chance to make things right, to be better than you were before. Don't waste it."

Peter looked at her, struck by the sincerity in her words. He had never expected to find comfort in Snape's presence, but now he felt a glimmer of hope stirring within him."Thank you, Snape," Peter said earnestly, a small smile forming on his lips. "I needed to hear that."
Snape returned his smile with a smirk, a rare warmth flickering in her eyes. "Anytime. Just remember, Potter's little outburst wasn't your fault."

As they sat there together in the quiet solitude of the room, Peter felt a weight lift off his shoulders, knowing that he had found an unexpected ally in the most unlikely of places.

"So, are we friends now?" he asked tentatively, stealing a glance at her to gauge her reaction.Her gaze remained fixed straight ahead, not even bothering to look at him. "Don't ruin the moment."

Peter let out a shaky chuckle, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. Despite her blunt response, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the connection they had forged. Maybe, just maybe, things were starting to look up.


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