Chapter 18. Ezra Wood

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Arcane Atelier, Lunch Hall

Severa wandered through the lunch hall, scanning the room for a suitable place to sit. Her eyes flitted from table to table, each one filled with students engaged in lively conversation. Spotting an empty seat at a table with students in white uniforms, she made her way over, hoping to join them.

As soon as her bum met the vacant seat, the students around her suddenly fell silent, their gazes turning towards her with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Severa felt a chill run down her spine as their eyes bore into her, making her feel like an unwelcome intruder.

Unnerved by their reaction, Severa shifted uncomfortably in her seat, acutely aware of the tension in the air. It was clear that she wasn't welcome among this group, and with a sinking feeling in her chest, she realized that she would need to find somewhere else to sit. With a small forced smile, she quickly rose from the table, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she retreated in search of a more hospitable spot to enjoy her lunch.

She tried another table with the students in green and got the same reaction, but worse. before she could even take a seat, a girl stood up and shoved her out of the way, causing Severa to stumble back.

"You're not welcome here, new girl," the girl declared with a smug smirk, her arms crossed defiantly as she blocked Severa's path.

Severa's shock quickly turned to anger, her jaw clenching as she met the girl's gaze with fiery determination. "What the hell is your problem?" she snapped, her voice laced with defiance as she stepped forward, unwilling to back down in the face of such blatant hostility.

The tension in the air crackled with intensity as Severa and the girl squared off, each refusing to back down. With her fists clenched at her sides, Severa braced herself for whatever confrontation lay ahead, ready to stand her ground against anyone who dared to challenge her.

"The problem is you think—" Mia's voice trailed off abruptly as her gaze shifted past Severa. Before she could turn around, she felt arms slither around her waist from behind, and a familiar voice interrupted.

"What were you saying, Mia?" Ezra's voice carried a hint of amusement as Mia nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Severa raised a skeptical eyebrow, sensing something amiss.

As Mia struggled to find her words, Severa couldn't ignore the heavy silence that had descended upon the entire hall. All eyes were fixed on the unexpected interaction, creating an atmosphere thick with tension. Severa's attention snapped back to the present as Mia finally spoke a clear sentence.

"Ezra, you look really handsome today." Severa's eyebrows shot up in shock as she watched Mia giggle and twirl her hair flirtatiously.

Severa felt Ezra lean his chin on her shoulder before he emitted a nonchalant hum and cast Mia a bored look. "Your words are as worthless as your presence,"he retorted, his tone dripping with disdain.

Mia's expression fell, her flirtatious demeanor crumbling in the face of Ezra's harsh words. Severa watched in disbelief as Mia recoiled, her eyes welling up with tears.

Without another word, Ezra untangled himself from Severa's grasp, his gaze cold as he turned away from Mia's distraught figure. He tugged Severa's hand, leading her away from the scene with a callous indifference that sent a chill down her spine.

As they walked through the lunch hall, Severa couldn't ignore the whispers and stares that followed in their wake. The students around them exchanged murmurs, their voices hushed but filled with speculation.

From Ezra's callous words to the way he held onto Severa's hand, every detail seemed to fuel the gossip swirling around them. Severa felt the weight of their scrutiny like a physical pressure, the accusing gazes making her skin prickle with discomfort.

She glanced up at Ezra, who strode ahead with an air of indifference, seemingly unaffected by the attention they were drawing. Despite the whispers and stares, he led her up the stairs to the second floor of the lunchroom, where students in black and blue uniforms were seated.

Stopping at a table in the center, he casually took a seat and pulled Severa into his lap in one fluid motion. Startled, Severa attempted to rise, but Ezra's firm grasp around her waist prevented her escape. She shot him a glare, her frustration evident. "Let me go," she demanded through gritted teeth.

Ezra's smirk widened as he shook his head, his hold on Severa tightening possessively. "Why would I do that?" he retorted, his tone oozing with arrogance. Severa's jaw clenched in frustration as she fought against his grasp, her discomfort escalating with each passing moment.

"Release me this instant, or I'll hex you into next week," Severa threatened, flicking the side of his head in a futile attempt to assert her dominance. But Ezra's smirk remained firmly in place, unfazed by her warning.

"You're so sexy when you're pissed," Ezra remarked with a casual tone, his words eliciting a shiver of anger down Severa's spine. Before she could even contemplate wrapping her hands around his neck, a voice intervened.

"Aww, you two are so cute," the voice interjected, drawing her attention to the other students at the table. Severa shot a glare at the onlookers, her irritation palpable. "We're not cute," she asserted firmly.

But before she could say more, Ezra added with a hint of mischief, "She may not be cute, but I am." Severa's frustration boiled over, and she promptly smacked Ezra upside the head in response to his cheeky comment.

Ezra let out a playful chuckle as Severa's hand made contact with the side of his head. "Ouch, feisty one, aren't you?" he teased, rubbing the spot where she had hit him.

Severa folded her arms across her chest, shooting him a glare that could freeze fire. "Don't push it, Ezra," she warned, her tone laced with warning.

Ignoring her warning, Ezra leaned back in his seat with a smirk, seemingly unfazed by her irritation. "Come on, Severa, where's your sense of humor?" he taunted, his eyes dancing with amusement.

Severa resisted the urge to roll her eyes, knowing that engaging in a battle of wits with Ezra would only escalate the situation further. Instead, she focused on keeping her composure, determined not to let him get under her skin any further.

She pulled out her sketch pad and began working on a new sketch, ignoring Ezra when he placed his head on her shoulder as he talked to his friends, slowly trying to distract her.

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