Chapter Nine: Knit

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Spring 2011, 22 March, 2007

"I AM AWAKE. I AM ALIVE," hollered Rosemary as she stretched. Her mind felt refreshed and awake. As she breathed in the scent of blueberry bagels and coffee, tying the black apron around her waist, she could feel herself slowly gaining back the vitality of youth.

"Good for you," called Anna as she entered, the door to the cafe swinging shut behind her. "I am most certainly not." Rosemary whipped around and pointed a lemonade-dripping teaspoon at Anna mock-accusingly.

"You are late, madame Anastasia Osipovna Lagunova," she declared in a mock-jury voice. "Bow before me, you peasant." Anna rolled her eyes but her lips were curved upwards as she mockingly curtsied. Laughing, she sidled through the bustle of the dinnertime crowd and went to the back to take off her coat and bag. Anna came up next to Rosemary, tying the apron round her waist with skilful fingers.

Rosemary took notice of the perfect bow that Anna had tied. Today, she was enthralled by the strangest things. On the fifteen-minute walk home from school, Rosemary had revelled in the crisp coolness of the spring night air, breathing in the faint scent of honeysuckle that perfumed the very streets with a floral aroma. She'd felt lighter than air, practically skipping all the way to Waffles and Co. Never had she ever felt more energised in her life, and this was speaking from someone on her way to an eight-hour night shift.

Rosemary hummed I Feel Pretty from West Side Story as she worked, fluttering about the different stations like a jubilant butterfly having had its first drink of nectar. Anna watched with eyebrows raised. "Someone's feeling pretty, and witty and bright," she remarked dryly. Rosemary smiled and completed the verse - and I pity, any girl who isn't me tonight.

"So, what's up, Maria?" snorted Anna. "Found your Tony?" Rosemary, apparently drunk on energetic bliss, spun around Anna with a jugful of iced lemonade that clinked as she did and poured it into four cups in succession.

"I don't need no Tony, I just need sleep. And damn, does it feel better than any boy would ever make me feel. Or talking to you, for that matter."

Anna faked offence. "How hurtful, you jerk. Okay, but seriously. How much do you even sleep on a daily basis?"

"I could ask the same of you, girliepop," sang Rosemary as she buzzed around like a bee, emanating energy. "You're the one who's been at this eight-hour night shift for like, three years already. How much sleep do you get?" She didn't point out the fact that it was technically illegal for Anna to have started working at sixteen, because in all honesty Rosemary had begun work even younger than that.

"Um, like four hours. But all I need are caffeine and energy drinks, and I'm good to go." Anna watched her with a cautious eye. Seeing her not looking as if she wanted to keel over and die any moment was new for Anna, who was beginning to wonder if Rosemary was high on fentanyl.

"Well, you should try getting some sleep sometime. It works wonders." Rosemary danced around Anna, sliding a tray of four lemonades onto the counter and dinging the call bell. "I feel like I could hike to Mordor and back. Five times."

"Chill off, girl. You need to simmer down," said Anna as she witnessed the sprightly Rosemary smile and thank the customers, something she'd never done before. It was indeed alarming how charming Rosemary was. Anna's eyebrows raised, but she decided to match Rosemary's high level of energy as she, too, began to assemble sandwiches and slide them into the heated display case. "So, seriously. How much sleep do you actually get."

"Um, like two hours. Actually, no, as of recently it's been about one and a half hours. But enough about me, I'm feeling amazing today. Let's not dampen it," she said. Anna's jaw fell slack, but she closed her mouth in awe.

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