Chapter Five: Haunt

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Spring 2011, 7 March, 1506

Violet checked her dressing every few hours to ensure the wound didn't bleed through, as she was wearing long sleeves that would absorb any escaping spots of blood and display them to the world.

Trying to stay upbeat so EJ wouldn't suspect anything, Violet ran up to her best friend and wrapped her neck in a headlock. "Hello, Miss Song."

"Ah, go away!" squeaked EJ, laughing. Smiling for real this time, Violet continued walking while having EJ in a headlock, EJ squealing death threats and batting away Violet's arms.

Finally, when they were out of school, Violet let go of EJ, who immediately straightened. Violet didn't hide her amusement and laughed out loud as EJ wobbled around drunkenly. EJ pointed to her, stumbling in her direction. "You will pay for this, Violet Stupid Salvatore," she choked out with a death glare. The swinging beads on her poncho wobbled like their owner.

Laughing, Violet swatted EJ away. Her sneakers padded on the rickety cobblestone path, and the air felt light around her. Violet sobered up and waited a moment for EJ to catch up, before they made their way to Waffles and Co. together.


Waffles and Co. was the kind of cafe that served you coffee in an oversized mug, and would be perfect to enjoy sweater weather in.

The very air in the cafe. smelled inviting, like honey and butter, milk and maple syrup. A faint floral tea scent perfumed the air, accompanied by the aroma of freshly-baked pastries.

Sprigs of dried baby's breath in little pots decorated the interior of the cafe, and golden light shone from the strings of fairy lights strung around the cafe. The walls had a muted red brick design that bathed the place with a homey atmosphere, and a black board displayed the day's specials in pastel chalk. Soft, low armchairs lined the window seats, where potted cacti and other plants lined the windowsill.

In the back, just beside the kitchen door, stood a polished mahogany grandfather's clock. It burst into song every twenty minutes and ticked with a pleasant mellow sound, and winding the clock hourly was a unique ritual for the server on duty.

A mere fifteen minutes from Maelstrom High School, and on the way home for both of them, Waffles and Co. was Violet and EJ's go-to hangout spot. Over the last year, they had gone through nearly half the menu, including seasonal specialties. Best of all was the year-round student price ice cream waffle set, which consisted of two thick golden-brown waffles glazed with a syrup of choice, and two scoops of choice. EJ always went for cookies and cream ice cream with extra whipped cream and strawberry syrup, while Violet would get vanilla with maple syrup. Violet always found it gross for EJ to get strawberry syrup with cookies and cream ice cream, while EJ considered it a travesty to waste one's time on a flavour as plain and basic as vanilla. "You should try some," Violet would offer over a mouthful of ice cream, and EJ would swat her away with a disgusted look on her face.

Today was no exception. Waffles and Co. also served takeaway for the ice cream waffles, where the server would get a paper cone and curl the thick waffle with tongs such that it formed a cone shape, before topping it with a scoop of ice cream. Most of the time, the ice cream would melt before they could work their way through the waffle and they'd end up slurping melted ice cream from the paper cone after finishing the waffle.

EJ ordered and paid, while Violet hung around behind her. She noticed that the FOR HIRE sign had been taken down and wondered, briefly, if her sister had taken up this job. Her stomach suddenly shrank to the size of an avocado pit.

"Thank you," said Violet as she received the two cones from the server, and grabbed a napkin from the dispenser for each of them. She handed one cone to EJ. EJ and Violet stood outside the shop, tucking into mouthfuls of creamy sweet deliciousness. The fresh waffles were piping hot and the ice cream icy cold, creating a pleasant dichotomy in the mouth.

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