We're Lucas' words a bit harsh? Maybe. But Tyler suddenly decided to be an asshole and be angry or irritated at them without ever giving a reason or talking about it. And sometimes Lucas was kind of fed up with that. One of those moment being today; these were truly Josh's last full 24 hours before he had to leave the next day. Why would Tyler start doing this now? It wasn't like he was sad, or not feeling well. No, he was literally just being an asshole for no reason - no reason he told them, at least.

"Gosh, why are you being so mean", Tyler said. "Nuh-uh, you are", Lucas said. "Either tell us what's up for once and communicate and talk about what pisses you off, or don't, and suck it up. Stop taking it out on us. You're letting Josh feel tense. I could see it in everything. The boy's all anxious and uneasy when you start being an inconsiderate ass again. Are you coming with us or not? Choose", Lucas said. Tyler wished he could rip all the hair out of his scalp.

"...I'll go", he said. "Great, then suck it up, or figure it out, and just give Josh a nice last day in Detroit with us okay? Stop being an asshole." Lucas walked away, going to get ready too, and Tyler sighed at himself as he let his head hang.

Why did he always have to ruin so much for himself?

He went inside then to get ready too.


The car drive to Steve's house was quiet, aside from the music playing in the background and some of Steve or Lucas' humming along to the song. Tyler sat in the back with Josh, but there was a big gap in between them and Tyler stared out the window the entire time. Josh felt so uneasy, he didn't know what to do. He was so tense because of it.

Tyler got out of the car pretty much right away as Steve parked, and Josh stayed behind for a few seconds, wondering if he did anything wrong. As he slowly got out when Steve and Lucas did too, he saw Tyler smoking again.

"Alright, let's get some snacks and drinks and let's get out there", Steve said. "Did you use sun screen?" He asked Lucas. "Yeah I'm all protected", Lucas chuckled. "Josh is too, and so are you. Ty, did you use some as well?" Lucas asked. "No", Tyler replied. "You should", Lucas replied. "Whatever", Tyler then said.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Whatever, burn to a crisp if you want, I don't care", he said as he shut the car door and walked to the front door with his bag, Steve and Josh following, and Tyler was last. They walked into the house and grabbed some snacks and drinks from the fridge and pantry, then out the back door and down to the small pier that was close to his house. "Ohhh wait this one is yours?" Josh said. "I thought it was from your neighbors!" "Nope it's mine", Steve smiled. "Please, c'mon on board", he said as he got up himself first, then held his hand out for Josh to grab as he got on to the boat. "Thank you", Josh giggled. Tyler hated it.

"Thanks baby", Lucas said as he did the same as Josh did. Tyler got on too, ignoring Steve's hand that was extended for help. He raised an eyebrow, then let out a soft sigh. Yeah, Tyler. Whatever.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road", Steve said. "...or water."

He started the boat and made sure they weren't docked anymore, then the boat started moving as Josh watched Steve do boat things. "This is pretty awesome", Josh smiled softly. "Right? It's the best", Lucas said as he took his shirt off, putting it in his bag where towels were too. "You wanna take it off too? Sun's nice and warm", Lucas asked Josh. "Oh uh, uhm- yeah I- I think so", he said. He took his hoodie off a bit hesitantly.

"Oh damn J, you look good", Steve commented. "Yeah you do", Lucas hummed. Josh blushed. "Thanks guys", he giggled. That definitely gave him a confidence boost about his body. Tyler was sitting on the front of the boat, shirt off too, but his back was towards the rest. He didn't say anything and he didn't look.

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें