Charlie sighed and nodded, she and Vaggie went into the elevator.

Husk downed like 6 or seven more bottles in under and hour and he didn't stop drinking.


It was midnight when Angel came home, he was confused why the bar was still lit up. He pushed the door to the Hotel open and walked over to the bar. Immediately noticed that Husk was passed out face down on the counter of the bar, with a quarter full bottle in his hand. Angeldust tapped on his shoulder.


Husk made groggy grumbling noises.

"Oh hey, Ang." He said drunkenly after picking up his head.

The spider sighed and helped him close up the bar. He asked Husk if he coul walk, in an attempt to prove he could he took a big step forward and fell on his face instead. Angeldust sighed again, and lifted the drunk cat onto his back. Husk nuzzled his face in Angel's neck as they walked into the elevator.

They made it to Angel's room and Husk got off his back and immediately petted the pig that rested on Angel's bed.

Angel sat on his bed and looked over at Husk.

"Imma shower real quick then we can talk alright Whiskers?" He asked.

The cat nodded. Angeldust grabbed comfortable clothes and went into his bathroom, taking a quick shower. Leaving the wasted cat to pet Fat Nuggets.

Angeldust returned and sat on his bed next to Husk. He wrapped an arm this waist and kissed his cheek.

"What's goin' on Husky?" He asked while resting his head on Husk's shoulder.

The cat demon sighed, and laid his face gently on top of the spider's.

"I ain't havin a good day." He admitted.

Angel lifted his head and Husk turned to face him. He sniffed trying to stop himself from crying. He hated talking about his emotions.

"I probably drank like, pfft. fifteen bottles to the face today."

Angel's eyes widened.


Husk rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms, he looked away from Angel.

"Yeah, I know." He sighed deeply. "I ain't happy bout it."

Angel half frowned and placed two more hands on Husk's shoulders.

"Why'd you leave the hotel?" He asked in a supportive tone.

Husk took a deep breath, his head was down. He rubbed his face as he thought about his answer.

"I don't remember leaving, I don't even remember being here."

Angel bit his lip.

"Shit." Was all he could say

Husk just nodded with his head still tilting downward, he wiped his eyes. Nobody's seen him cry and nobody was about to. Angel noticed though he wouldn't say anything, he placed one of his hands under Husk's chin making the cat demon look at him, before he pulled Husk into a tight hug.

"You should talk to Charlie." Angeldust suggested.

Husk pulled away from the hug.

"No. I'm fine."

Angel looked at him with an exasperated look.

"Yeah okay. Mr ran outta the hotel and murdered three people!"

Husk's eyes went wide.

"I did that?! Wait, how would you know if I did that?" He asked confused.

Angeldust facepalmed.Cherribomb's gonna be so mad at him.

"Shit." He wasn't supposed to say that.

"Cherri followed you. Said you weren't acting right."

Husk sighed deeply and rubbed his face. He really hated himself right now. He hated that his mind was so damaged.

Angel laid back against his bed.

"You wanna cuddle?" He asked making come here motions with four of his arms.

Husk half smiled and laid on top of Angeldust who softly petted the cat demon. Husk started purring as he nuzzled his face into Angel's chest floof.

Husk eventually looked up at him, his chin burried in Angel's floof.

"Did you have a good day?" Husk asked.

Angeldust nodded as he continued running his hands through Husk's fur.

"Yeah." He said in an exaggerated voice.

Husk raised an eyebrow, his eyes squinted.

"You're lying." Husk's state.

The spider took a deep breath.

"Yeah." He said in his real voice.

He rubbed the back of neck.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

Husk nodded and just left his body relax as Angel continued petting him. "That's okay. I love you."

Angel smiled.

"I love you too, Husky."

The two cuddled for the rest of the night.

Do or Die,  a Huskerdust StoryWhere stories live. Discover now