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Uzi was just tired. She was in bed, scrolling memes on instagram, and wondering how to pass the time while N was gone. "How do I pass the time?" She asked out loud. She thought about calling V, but decided to just do some gaming instead. While on Skul: The Hero Slayer, she got a call on her phone. It was N. "Hey Uzi, I have to stay out for a bit. My scavenging is doing horribly, and I'm, um, surrounded by sentinels, so, um, yeah, I'll be back in- AHHHHH-
Uzi's core was pounding in her chest. WHERE WAS HE?!??! She cared a lot about this charming goofball, so she needed a distraction from him. While she kept playing different video games, she kept thinking about N. She was incredibly worried about him and she needed a way to help him. She needed to find him, so she tried calling him again, only to get no answer. She tried calling V, but she got no answer. She gave up, and just flew. The call was FaceTime, so she could see he was outside. She just hoped that she would see him from the sky. She flew for hours, only taking breaks for a few minutes each. Eventually she saw a gruesome sight. Piles of sentinel bodies everywhere, with lost limbs, and dented heads, and at the foot of all of it was an utterly broken N. He was howling and wailing as his wounds dripped fresh blood. But disassembly drones could not feel pain. He was crying from... regret? "N!" "Uzi!" They ran over to each other and held each other. "Why did you come? I told you not to." "I couldn't leave my favourite goofball alone and in danger now could I?" "Can I carry you?" "No N, I'm carrying you for once." "Fine." And they flew back to Uzi's house. Uzi was still concerned though. Why was he crying?

N x Uzi stories and shorts bc I can't sleepWhere stories live. Discover now