(second Arc) chapter XIII: When I first saw the light of the world

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The road was smooth, Joy was an incredible leader in the end, she knew how to guide her team well and ensured that everything went well, of course there were some small inconveniences but nothing that could have put the princess in danger  .

They were only a few meters away from the Central Kingdom, Gascar, the land of dreams and hope.  But strangely, Joy felt that something was wrong, nothing is as perfect as a totally peaceful Kingdom, for a Kingdom to work well, there is a certain balance to respect.

-"Hmm, is Gascar such a beautiful Kingdom?"  -Joy asks the man next to her, he was the one she fought with last time.  He was the best fighter on her team and she often spoke to him about certain things, he learned to respect her and listen to her since the fight.

-"According to rumors from former knights who have already carried out missions here, yes, it is one of the most secure and richest kingdoms. After all, it was the ancestors of this country who won the great war of the lands" -He informed and Joy asked for more so he continued.  -"The Ruler of the moment is Lord Manoban, he is loved and admired by his subjects, him and his entire family, especially his only daughter. God's favorite child, Lalisa Pranprya Manoban"

Joy looked at him, well, She's already heard that somewhere, we also called her a bit the same way once.  The child blessed by the powers of heaven, Poseidon. 

The King's daughter was surely precious.

-"They're nice people then?"

-"Ah, I don't know"-He said and Joy looked at him incredulously.

-"You just said that they were loved and admired by the people"

-"Their method of ruling and generosity is something that the people greatly appreciate and they do not leave any problem unresolved it is true but... Just as open, it is a family with a lot of secrecy, rumors are swirling about them but it is forbidden to talk about it once in the kingdom" -He said shrugging his shoulders.

-"Such as?"

-"Some people say that the heiress is not what we think she is, some even say that she is not God's favorite but the evil that came to be born on earth"

-"Everything you said is so contradictory and it makes no sense" -Joy breathed heavily as she listened to his story.

-"Well it's rumors but surely this person did something that got people talking, right?"  -He said shrugging his shoulders.  Joy decided to stop there with the gossip so she just nodded.  She will see for herself, what's more, she will be the princess's close guard, it's impossible for her to miss this so-called Favorite Child of God.

-"We arrived!!"  -the scout announced to the troop so Joy walked towards him to see exactly the kingdom and it was huge but incredibly beautiful.  Much better than where she came from.  It was a rich kingdom.  Not to mention the castle...it was gigantic.

The kingdom seemed to form a circle on a specific point, the well-aligned buildings turning towards the castle, all of a neutral color but not lifeless, the greenery and the different colors of flowers that grew around clearly visible made the place magical  .  Joy had also noticed the rice fields and agricultural land outside the towns where soldiers patrolled and farmers chatted quietly, it was clear they liked what they were doing, it was clear that no one was forcing them to do what they were doing.

  All this combinasion formed a well-calculated circle with the castle in the center, then the towns of the nobles first, those of the villagers after and then the well-guarded rice fields, there were soldiers' camps around but Joy had guessed that this was not all the numbers of soldiers that this Kingdom had.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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