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The door behind me slammed open. My teary and red eyes locked with feline ones. 

Minho stood at the doorway, He looked hesitant. "W-what-" He paused when he saw my face clearly. 

I looked like a mess.

"J-Jisung...are you okay?" He asked me.

I am not fucking okay.

I always wanted to say this but then why do these words always change to 'I am fine' when I am clearly not?

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Minho stepped forward and I took a step back. Before I could process what was happening Minho wrapped his arm around me, engulfing me in a warm hug.

A choked sob left escaped my mouth. I buried my face in his chest. His brand-new suit getting wet yet he didn't back down.


He always back down

He left me hanging without anything

then all of a sudden he came back?


Is it a game to him?

Are my feelings nothing?

Can't he feel my pain?

Does it hurt him?

Does it hurt?// MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now