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His long eyelashes rested on his pick flushed cheeks. His breath was shallow. My eyes remained fixated on him. I couldn't tear them away from him. 

The doctor said Jisung was okay.

He was fine.

He passed out because of stress and depression. He was hurt.

I caused it.

It was all my fault.

I almost fell from my chair when Jisung fluttered his eyes open. I grabbed his hand in mine "Jisung?" He took a minute to adjust his vision and when he did, his eyes searched for something and at last landed on our hands which were intertwined together. 

"Where's the ring?" He whispered and I realized what he was saying "The wedding got...delayed" He let go of my hand gently and turned around, His back facing me.

"Jisung...what's wrong bab-" I facepalmed myself internally at the choice of my words "I am sorry" He whispered "What for?" I said "For ruining your wedding" 

I kept my mouth shut not knowing what to say.

Because I don't know what was worse.

Marrying Yeonsin when my mind was not ready for it.

Or Jisung passing out almost getting himself severely injured. 

Jisung and I were startled when the door slammed open "Minho!" My mum yelled. "Mom! What happened?" I stood up along with Jisung who sat up 

"Yeonsin ran away!" 

Does it hurt?// MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now