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After so long, I felt a part of me happy.

The warmth that radiated from Channie Hyung made me want to cry because until then I didn't realize how cold I was.

As soon as he let go of me, I shivered visibly, and then Changbin Hyung removed his jacket for me. 

Hyunjin and Seungmin draped their arms on my shoulder keeping me close knowing exactly how I feel in crowds.

Felix and Jeongin kept talking to me as if I never left.

I felt happy again.

But I wasn't sure for how long my happiness would last.

As we made our way towards to the hotels, I forgot about him for the moment.

Hyunjin took me to an ice cream stall alone and then hugged me. I was taken aback.

and again.

The crystal like gorgeous.

slips out of my already swollen eyes. making me look like a weakling.

They are nothing but a curse.

A song of grief and sadness they sing.

Hate to admit that he has someone else now when I was his first.

And that just makes me want to ask him.

Does it hurt?

Does it hurt?// MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now