Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes because the sun was shining on my face from the wrong direction. At first, I thought I was dead, but when I moved my neck, I realized it was because my head was so heavy, I thought it was going to explode. The stench of cum and ass in the room was overwhelming, but that just made me smile when I remembered what happened with William and Marcus the night before.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that going down, and yet here I was, the evidence of it all around me. Everything was as it should be, except for one important thing.

Marcus and William were nowhere to be found.

I opened my eyes and with a painful groan I lifted myself up, touching the space where they were both sleeping next to me the night before, as if I was making sure they hadn't become invisible.

Then I groaned and I walked to the bathroom to relieve myself. I took a shower, and when I came back in the room, I was still by myself.

Where the hell were they?

I could imagine William leaving without saying anything, especially since he went back on every word he shared with me on Monday, but I couldn't imagine Marcus doing anything like that. It just wasn't like him.

I found my clothes neatly folded on one of the chairs and I dressed myself. I was hesitant to go out in case I locked myself in, but there was no point in me hanging around there. And I desperately needed coffee.

I walked out in the hallway, and I headed towards the elevator. I pressed the button and I put my hands in my pockets while I waited for it to arrive. It was only then that I noticed that Marcus and William were just down the hallway, behind one of the fake plants towards the corner. It looked like they had decided to walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

I decided to startle them, just for fun, so I approached them stealthily, walking as quiet as I could manage, staying out of sight and behind the plant that was right next to Marcus.

As I got to them, I could hear that they were having a heated discussion in hushed tones, but what made me stop in my tracks was when I heard my own name.

"... how do you think Brent would feel?" Marcus was asking.

Why were they talking about me? I knew that they just met and they probably didn't have what else to talk about, but the fact that they were discussing me didn't sit right. I pressed myself against the wall, completely hidden behind the plant and the corner where they were both standing.

"Marc, I know, but one of us has to tell him, babe."

Marc? Babe? My face involuntarily grimaced when I heard William's nickname and term of endearment he used for Marcus. My Marcus. What the hell was going on?

"I know, but it will break his heart. He's so fragile right now. You don't know. I feel like we should just say that we went to get coffee and doughnuts."

"Fuck, I forgot to grab the doughnuts."

"Will, I swear, you are the most forgetful person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life. Eight years, but I guess some things never change."

"God, you fucking drive me wild."

I heard William chuckle, and then the sounds of them making out.

I felt like the ground disappeared from underneath my feet, and I thought I was going to pass out. What I wanted to do was confront them both right there, caught in the act, but... I couldn't.

Suddenly, the small insecure boy within me cowered and I wanted to be gone. I didn't know where I wanted to go, but I just didn't want to be here.

The elevator dinged, and I rushed towards it, not too careful about how much noise I was making as I did. My ears were ringing as I got in, and I pressed the button. I felt like I was having an out of body experience.

Marcus and William knew each other.

They knew each other... intimately.

And neither Marcus nor William had the courage to share that with me, so they snuck around behind my back, kissing along abandoned hallways, coming up with cover stories about why they were gone.

I have never felt more hurt or betrayed in my life.

Not even when William left me two-and-a-half years ago. Not wanting to hurt Whitney, his sister, I could understand that.

Not even when George treated me the way he treated me when we would go on our work trips. At least he told me ahead of time what kind of man he was, and it was my fault for having some higher expectations.

Not even Lance when he recorded me, him and Josh having a threesome in his bedroom for his own viewing pleasure. He couldn't have known that Josh was a slimy little snake that was going to use his trust in such manner.

But this... this gutted me.

I got outside of the hotel, caught a taxi that was going to be more expensive than Uber, but I couldn't wait around for a second longer. I told him the address, and he dropped me off by my car.

I unlocked it and I got in. My phone was vibrating, and I could see that both Marcus and an unknown number, which I assumed was William's, were trying to reach me. I turned my phone off.

I started the engine and I started driving, not knowing where I was going, just knowing that I needed to get away.

Somehow, I found myself on I-35, heading down south towards San Antonio.

And that's when I finally broke down and I started to sob.

I cried all the way back.

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