Avengers . . . Panic!

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Hello Ya'll! Soooo, yeah, it's that time. Of course I'm going to write about it! Anyway, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, I thought ya'll knew this? Eh -


Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Clint thought as he rushed through the vents, taking the elevator would take too much time. And this needed to be addressed ASAP!

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.?! Tell everyone in the building to meet in the living room, now!" He shouted as he popped out the vent. Seriously, someone should clean them. Wait - you know what? Never mind. Vents later, problem now.

"Very well, sir. Everyone has been alerted. Might I ask what is so important?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked.

"It's that week, Fri."

F.R.I.D.A.Y. seemed to get it because all she said was, "Oh. Good luck."

Clint huffed, already out of breath. How was he this out of shape? He was an avengers and literally trained 4 days out of the week. Not to mention the amount of times he'd done battle with some crazy psycho trying to take over the world.

Answer. Because this was not a battle, but definitely psycho.

Clint tapped his foot anxiously, how long would it take for the others to get here? Before he could dwell any longer, the elevator dinged and out stepped Steve, Bruce, Sam, and Bucky. Tony can rushing in followed closely by Peter, who they all unofficially adopted. Nat came in from who knows where!

"Clint, what's this all about? I was working on a project for Pete's sake!" Tony asked exasperated.

Any other time, Clint would have made a joke seeing as one of Peter's nicknames was involved. "Trust me, this is way more important."

Tony scoffed. "Uh, yeah, it better be. Or I'm having Fri seal all the vents closed for a week." Tony said, whipping his hands on a towel. "Well, get on with it"

Clint shuddered at the thought of having to use the stairs of elevator like a normal person. The others were waiting for an explanation as well, Nat giving him one of her famous looks. It was enough to make a grown man shake in his shoes, which it was currently doing to Clint. Or at least, more than he already had been.

"The thing is . . ." Clint stalled.

"Clint, get on with it." Sam said with a slightly annoyed expression.

Clint couldn't hold it anymore. "Y/N's on her period!" He burst out.

To say the Avengers were horrified would be an understatement. They were mortified. They all remembered what happened last time. They ran out of cheez-it's and kit kats. It was a dark time.

"Shit." Tony cursed.

"Language." Steve said automatically. Though he was probably thinking it as well. They all were.

Bruce was rubbing his beard in an almost thoughtful way, though he was really trying to come up with excuses to get out of having to be any where with in Y/N's line of sight for the next week.

Steve was a little confused but he knew enough about girls periods and had a couple past experiences to know this was a time to step carefully.

Same was also trying to come up with ways to escape. He wasn't at the tower very often but now that he was here, the others probably wouldn't just let him slip away.

Tony was mentally recalling everything he would need to order for this week. Also making a mental checklist of the food they already had. From past experience, her cravings hit hard the first, second, and some of the third day. They happened all week, it was just those three or so days that they blew through food. It wasn't a problem money wise seeing as Tony was a billionaire, but it did worry him that shipping would take a while. They couldn't exactly go out in public to by things.

Loki, who was staying with them seeing as he was trying to be a 'good person', was smirking at the others panicked expressions. Y/N liked them all, but she seemed to take a liking to him, Peter, and Bucky the most. Oh, and Natasha.

Bucky was trying to recall what a period was and failing kind of miserably. He'd have to ask on e of the others later.

Thor was just as equally confused. But he was Thor. He'd give Y/N some of his beloved, precious Tart of Pops later, they always made things better. Or at least, for him they did.

Peter knew all about biology and had been keeping track of the weeks just in case. She was a week early but that was to be expected sometimes. It's not like a girl could tell their body to wait another week or 'hold it in'. He had bought kit kats and kept them with him for this exact situation for two days now.

Nat was also smirking. She knew the feeling, even if she hadn't had one for a long time. She'd bring her a heated pat later and some chocolate ice cream. Maybe some M&M's.

Sam spoke up first. "Should we tell Fury? You never know when he'll come by. And he just discovered Y/N's extremely powerful."

Tony had one arm around his ribs and the other propped up on it, stroking his beard. "I'd say that's a good idea. Fri?"

"Yes, boss?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded.

"Message Fury, tell him not to come by for at least a week. If he asks why, you're free to tell him exactly why. If he doesn't believe you, you have permission to show him recordings of last time." Tony said wit more seriousness that he ever had on missions.

"You got it boss." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, you could almost hear the evil smile in her voice.

"Wait, Clint? Where is Y/N now?" Steve asked.

Before he could respond, they all heard a yell come from the floor above.

Steve, along with the others, winced. "Never mind. I assume she just woke up from a mid-day nap?" Y/N liked to have mid-day naps during her period. No one knew why, she just did.

Clint winced again and adjusted the level on his hearing aids. "Yeah . . ."

Peter choose that moment to speak. "So . . . who's going to go up their first?"

It was silent for a moment before everyone quickly touched their noses. "Nose goes!"

Clint and Sam were the slowest. Nat didn't play, no one would dare try to make her do anything. Neither did Thor or Loki. Loki because he thought it was childish and Thor because he still didn't know Earth 'customs'.

Clint shook his head. "Nu uh. I found this out, you get to go."

Sam groaned and huffed. "Fine. But if I died, Peter gets my wings."

Peter pumped a fist into the air. "Yeah! Thanks Mr. Wilson!"

"Kid, I told you to call me Sam." He said, giving Peter a smiled. Peter was too much of a cinnamon roll for his own good. He even got to God of Mischief to fall in love with him within the first 5 minutes of meeting him.

"Sorry Mr. Wilson." Peter said, lowering his fist.

Sam sighed, they all knew it was hopeless to try to get Peter to call them by their first names. Though Tony swore he heard him call him 'Dad' once. Sadly when he asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. she denied ever recording such a thing. No doubt Peter had F.R.I.D.A.Y. all wrapped around his superhuman enhanced finger as well.

"Alright, well, everyone got their gifts?" Sam asked, going over to the pantry and plucking a bag of M&M's out.

The others all grabbed their own gifts and handed them to Sam, who took a deep breath, steeling himself and stepping into the elevator.

They heard a series of thunks and crashes from the floor above and winced again, shooting Sam sympathetic looks. Sam had started to sweat slightly.

"Good luck man." Clint said, the others following in series.

Sam gulped. "Thanks man. Lord knows I'm gonna need it." The doors closed on his paling face.

He he! I'm loving this already! Any suggestions for future chapters? I'd love to hear them.

Until then, bye Ya'll!


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