As the large muscular man began to recover from the kick he lunged at Azula as she pulled her bound hands forward from beneath her legs and caught his fist attempting to twist it only to find that the man's limb was too strong for her to move. He grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the wall instead.

Sev was tired of sitting helplessly so he looked for any way he could help but the bolts fixed on him prevented any movement but noticed Skeeve who tried to cower away from the action by diving to the floor hoping no one would notice, "Skeeve! Get these bolts off me!"

Skeeve quickly ducked away and began kicking the devices off the cyborgs limbs which was easier said than done as the magnets holding them in place were strong.

The three digit hand around Azula's throat tightened, cutting off access to air quickly. Her kicks to his solid chest did nothing to alleviate it. She focused all her energy in her bound hands remembering how she burned the security officer earlier. When she saw her hands glowing bright enough she grabbed his face and with the combination of her hands and his own body heat she burned his face as if a red hot piece of iron was making contact with him.

The thug screamed out in pain letting her go and grabbing his face in a vain attempt to soothe the pain.

Skeeve managed to kick the bolt off Sev's left leg and once the cyborg could feel his leg moving. He raised it and delivered a powerful kick to the burned thug sending him through compartment doors with enough force to break them open with the man plummeting down to the city from hundreds of feet in the air, the unconscious cyborg thug falling out with him.

The drivers took notice of the commotion with the passenger opening a small compartment door to see what was going on and was met with the thug closest to Lectro falling into him as the reptilian scientist continued to assault him with his feet.

The thug shook Lectro off and reached into his coat for his blaster again only for Cetro to throw a foot into his hand pinning it against his chest. The thug next to Cetro now had room to move and grabbed the engineer and threw him into the scientist as he went to face Azula.

He swung at her which she was easily able to sidestep and get behind him where she brought her cuffs over his v-shaped head and pulled them over his neck strangling him as they fell onto the floor over Sev's legs.

Cetro did everything he could to pin the last thug but his restrained arms meant he couldn't do much.

Lectro now recovered, saw the deactivated B3 still resting on the floor and kicked the restraining bolt off the robot and in a matter of seconds he was back online.

"Forced shut down deactivated. Recalibrating."

Lectro jumped to the opposite seat allowing Cetro more room to restrain his opponent, "B3! Activate defense protocol!"

"Defense protocol activated." The robot reoriented itself, its head swiveling to take in the situation around it and saw the passenger extend the barrel of a blaster pistol through the forward compartment towards Azula.

Reacting quickly, B3's tentacle arm shot out, reaching for the passengers arm and pulling him partially through and twisting his arm painfully away from his target. With his other arm B3 launched a balled up metal fist into the man's face sending him reeling back into the dash.

The last thug shook Cetro off and finally pulled out his weapon on B3. The robot's reaction time was quicker and in an instant B3 grabbed his gun arm and twisted it away from him painfully making the thug discharge his shot into the wall behind it. Unfortunately the wall the plasma bolt went through was directly behind the driver and went straight through his chest killing him instantly.

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