Chapter 41: Shuffle Unit Project (Nightfrost)

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A few days have passed and both Izumi and Leo went back to Florence to continue with their work. Shiro and the other members are resting in their room since they currently have no work and it's the weekend. Shiro seems to be alone with Shinobu as Tsukasa and Souma both have work as Knights and Akatsuki.

"Here you go Shiro-dono I've got you some tea-degozaru!" Shinobu says as he hands Shiro the tea. "Ah thank you Sengoku." Shiro says as he receives it and drank it. His phone then vibrated. Curious he took out his phone and saw a message from an unknown person on hold-hands.

The person texted: Please meet me at ES office room I will be waiting there. W-What is with this person? Suddenly asking me to meet a stranger. Shiro thought. Shinobu saw the confusion on his face and decided to see the message. He saw the sender's name and was surprised and happy.

"Ohhh it's Anzu-dono!" Shinobu said. "Anzu? Who's that?" Shiro asked. "Anzu-dono is a Producer from the P-Association-degozaru!" Shinobu says. "We've all been getting jobs from her-degozaru!" He added. "Hmm then if this Anzu person is texting me does it mean..." "She has a job she wants you to take because she thinks you're the best fit for it-degozaru!" Shinobu says for Shiro.

"Is that so? Then I better not waste her time and get going." Shiro said. "Hai good luck with your work-degozaru!" Shinobu said as Shiro left the room. A few minutes later Shiro reached the office room for the meeting. As he entered he saw four other people sitting on the chair.

Hm? I thought Ren and Ito got the message as well I guess not. Shiro thought. "Oya? If it isn't Hanagaki-shi from Elysian. It's been a while!" "Hm? Oh Saegusa. You've been called as well?" Shiro asked. "Hai! I don't know what it is about but it's an honor to do a job with you!" Ibara says as he salutes.

"R-right..Same here." Shiro said. "Hey hey you're one of the guys who just debutted not long ago right? Himeru-kun told me about it!" A guy with dark grey hair, tied off into a low ponytail on his left shoulder said. "Ah? Yeah I am are..." "Ah sorry sorry I'm from Crazy:B, Shiina Niki!" Niki said.

"Crazy:B? Ahh the same unit as Himeru." Shiro said as Niki nods. "Then it's best I introduce myself as well! Hello there Shiro-kun! I'm from Fine, Hibiki Wataru! It's a pleasure to properly meet you!" Wataru says as he introduced himself.

"Properly? What do you mean?" Shiro asked. "Wataru-senpai was the MC for our Christmas Live!" A guy with curly red hair said. "Nice to meet you Shiro-senpai! I'm from ALKALOID Amagi Hiiro! We were on the same team during the Christmas Live!" Hiiro added.

"Yeah nice to meet you. From ALKALOID huh? Which means you're in the same unit as Ayase." Shiro said as Hiiro nods. Just then someone entered the room. It was a lady with brown hair. "Ah everyone is already here? I'm sorry for being late..." The girl said.

"No it's fine Producer-dono! We were just early that's all!" Ibara said. So this person is the Producer? Shiro thought. She then looked at Shiro and introduced herself. "Ah nice to meet you I'm a Producer from P-Association, Anzu." "Ah...Yeah same here. From Elysian, Hanagaki Shiro." Shiro said. "And then? Why did you call the five of us?" Hiiro asked.

"About that the P-Association wants to bring back the Shuffle Unit Project." Anzu said. While everybody was saying"ohhhh" Shiro was confused. "Shuffle Unit? You mean where we sing with other members of other units?" He asked. "Hai that's right. This time the five of you have been selected to be part of this shuffle unit." Anzu said.

A shuffle unit huh? I wonder who it feels...Shiro thought as it's his first time being in a unit that doesn't have his brother and Ito in it. "The job for you five is a drama." Anzu said. "A drama? About what?" Ibara asked. "The details is that four of you are childhood friends who were scouted by a Producer to become idols." Anzu said.

"I see...But if you're picking us which means the characters we're going to act in fits our personalities right?" Shiro asked. "Hai that's right. Simply put, Hiiro-kun, Hibiki-senpai, Shiro-kun and Niki-kun are childhood friends and Saegusa-kun will be the Producer who is scouting them." Anzu explained.

"As a shuffle unit there must be songs for us to sing am I right?" Wataru asked. "Hai that's right. I'll help with the designing of clothes but for the song..." "I'll do it." Shiro said for Anzu. "Is that so? In that case I'll be counting on you!" Anzu said as Shiro nods.

"Designing of clothes and song writing checked. Now we just need the leader and the name." She added. "I vote for Hanagaki-shi." Ibara said. "Har? Why me? I'm already a leader though?" Shiro asked. "I'm fit to be the assistant instead of the leader so I'm obviously out. Other than that I'm interested in how a newbie idol like Hanagaki-shi leads us." Ibara said.

"In that case I have no objections! I'm already a leader of ALKALOID and it was fun following someone else's orders when I was part of Puffy Bunny with Wataru-senpai!" Hiiro said. "I was already once a leader of Puffy Bunny so I have no objections as well!" Wataru said.

"Hmm being a leader doesn't fit me at all and sounds like a drag so I don't have any objections either!" Niki said. "....." Shiro seemed to be thinking for a while. He then said. "Fine I'll do it. But Saegusa will be our vice-leader." "Hai~!" "Seems like everyone is in agreement here. Lastly for the unit name I have a suggestion." Anzu said.

"Ohh as expected of Producer-dono! Do tell." Ibara said. "How about this? Nightfrost." Anzu said. "Hoho? Nightfrost huh? Mhm not a bad name. I like it." Shiro said. "If our leader says so then I agree with it as well!" Hiiro said. "Har? Don't decide just cause I like it. Don't you have your own opinions?" Shiro asked.

"It's fine! After all we should follow the King's orders right?" Niki said. "Hahaha that's true in that case shall I call you Your Honor instead?" Ibara asked. "...Don't. I prefer Hanagaki-shi." Shiro said with a sigh. "Don't be like that let me at least call you that during our time as fellow members." Ibara said.

This guy...! Is he a second Akkun or what? Shiro thought. "Well whatever with that everything's done right?" He said. "Hai that will be all for today's meeting. Good work." Anzu said as she bowed before leaving to start with the designing of the clothes.

"Now then what do we do now King?" Niki asked. "Har? Why me?" "Because you're the leader." Wataru said. "....Haaa listen up. Our live should be soon assuming Producer told us to meet today. Since we're already doing this I don't expect a half-assed performance. But no practice yet till the song is done. Of course we can still practice to try and sync our movements with other songs."

"Ah then I want us to dance to other songs first to see our teamwork!" Niki said. "...Any objections?" Shiro asked. No one replied so he took it as a no. "It's decided then. We Nightfrost will start our practice for our teamwork now! Let's move to a lesson room." Shiro said. "Hai!/Yes sir!" The rest said before heading to rent a lesson room.

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