Chapter 9: Reflection

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"Man tdy sure was kind of chaotic. I didn't expect us to sing two songs on our first day of school. We even made friends with members from Knights, Valkyrie and Trickstar." Ren said while he and Shiro are walking home.

"We even managed to see Akkun again. He seems so happy with his friends I'm glad for him. Nii-san don't u think so too?" Ren asked.

"....Maybe that's true for u but u know it's not true for me. Of course I'm glad for Akkun since he has friends now but that's the only thing I'm glad about." Shiro said bluntly.

Ren went quiet for a while before saying "...Nii-san as expected you're having difficulties trusting them?" "....Why else do u think I said that?" Shiro said.

"As friends that Akkun trusts a lot I don't think they're bad." Ren said. "...Look I get what u mean but I just can't help it. Don't forget. It's cause of that 'trust' that incident happened." Shiro said making Ren quiet as he nodded.

While they continued walking they happened to hear some passerby's conservation. "Ne ne did u hear about the mini concert in the mall?" "Oh yeah I did! Heard it was amazing!"

"My friend was there and he said he saw 2 promising new idols from Yumenosaki singing on stage together with members from Trickstar, Valkyrie, Ryuseitai and Knights."

"Rlly? What song did they sing? Have they debuted yet?" "Apparently they sang Stars Ensemble and the audience including my friend rlly love it. They seemed to not have their debut yet though."

"That's a shame I might actually watch their lives and songs if they do though." After that once they walked far away from the brothers Ren said.

"Wow....not even a day and there's alr  ppl talking about us." "...Proves that the mini concert had an effect on the audience I guess." Shiro said.

"Ne Nii-san why don't we try being a unit together?" "Ah? The heck is this all of a sudden?" "I wanted to be like DEADMANZ that's why I decided to become an idol."

"And Nii-san u only enrolled here because I convinced u to. U didn't really have much reason to become an idol." "Yeah and what about it?"

"But after tdy when I heard people's praises and Nii-san's singing voice I thought I think I should give u a reason to enroll in the idol course."

"...You're a real idiot u know that?" "Wha-?! Nii-san??" "I alr told u during lunch didn't I? That I would join if u want to." "Ah..." Ren then remembered what happened during lunch time.

Shiro then continued. "But after tdy I decided. That joining cause u want to isn't going to be the only reason. I want to know more idols. I want to know why it pumps the audience up."

"But Nii-san what about the trust?" "...I'm not doing this cause I want to trust the audience or anyone else. I'm doing this for my own sake."

"Ahaha sounds like u for sure!" Ren said. "Then why not we decide on what kind of unit we want to be now?" He then added.

"What? U got some ideas alr?" "Hmm...kind of I guess. I want our unit to be a fallen angel themed." "...Fallen angel? U know DEADMANZ isn't about fallen angel right?"

"I know but now I don't want to be just like DEADMANZ. I want us to be a unit where we can surpass everyone." "...Haaa you're as ambitious as always." Shiro said making Ren laugh.

He then said. "Well it's not like we don't have to decide it now. Although I don't trust them I can risk asking for their help." "Then we'll ask them tmr and why not we meet at the dance room for discussion?" Ren said.

"Sounds good to me." "Then it's decided!" After a few minutes of walking they finally reached home. As always their parents are not home yet.

"Ne Nii-san why not we put a note on the table?" "A note? For what?" "I want to tell Mom and Dad about our experience tdy. And of course us being in a unit together!"

"....Well we can't tell them since they're not back and even if we texted them we won't know if they're busy with work or not so sure I guess." "Then I'll write down the note!"

After writing Ren put the note on the table. After that they continued with their usual routine in the hse.

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