A different place

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Horror sat confused. he was on a blue sofa, in a small room. he held onto his head trying to think back to how he got here. closing his eyes tightly, he tried to remember what had happened until he heard the sound of light breathing beside him. Horror turned his head to Swap Sans, lying on the couch beside him sleeping peacefully. Horror could easily dust him while he was unaware. creating a sharp-ended bone into his hand, Horror pressed the end to Blues neck his expression becoming cold. what kind of moron falls asleep next to a murder... I could just kill him. Right here and he wouldn't even know it. Horror's hand shook, his weapon tight in his grasp, eyes darkening. Though Blue's small snores somehow comforted him as the sun shone through the window, bringing the walls to life. It was warm here. the sun shone here...and it was somehow comforting. His eyes studied Blues's expression. still blissfully unaware huh? The bone shook in his grasp before he took it away from Blues's neck, turning his back to the other as he tried to think. "What am I doing?" he whispered to himself, covering his left eye. Little did he know that Blue had been awake the whole time. He'd only decided to 'wake up' when it seemed appropriate or let's say when his lif wasn't being threatened. Horror heard shifting and his attention quickly darted to the hero who was rubbing his eyes and yawning. "oh, Horror. your up." Blue sheepishly smiled as Horror hid the bone under his jacket. though he was already suspecting Blue was awake. Blue smiled innocently. no- he was totally unaware. Horror covered his face with his jacket and laid back on the couch. Blue sat up, staring at Horror who hid beneath his jacket, a smile threatening to spread across his face. Horror was a bit like a cat wasn't he? Shy? "your still tired?" Blue asked, only earning silence. "I understand." Blue was still wearing his battle body but there was no need to take it off, his boots were still on as well. Blues eyes drifted to the ground where water soaked the floorboards and than  he picked up the mugs from last night, both cups empty though he couldn't remember finishing his. He walked into the kitchen and placed both mugs into the sink before he leaned onto the counter covering his face with his hands. He could've died, though somehow his bravery pulled through and Horror didn't end up slitting his throat. he let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. Wasn't he told by Error all the time to not make stupid risks back then.

Blue soon walked out of the kitchen, stopping at the couch where Horror laid the guy's jacket still covering him. he was probably sleeping. it was a shame since he had to leave. after looking in the cupboards and the fridge, Blue realized that he needed to go grocery shopping. The cabin was empty. Blue stepped to the door. "I'll be back soon- I'm going out for a while," Blue stated. waiting for a reply but not really expecting one. He opened the door slowly creeping threw it and silently shutting it. once he was out the door silently closed, not locking leaving Horror in the living room.

Horror pulled his jacket off of himself, looking around making sure Blue was really gone. though he knew the skeleton left the door unlocked so he knew he could leave anytime. Horror stared at the door for a long minute. Who did this Blue guy think he was. Horror stood up and started walking around. might as well check out the place, his so called vacation and break from killing. As he noticed yesterday there were a ton of boxes, one of the boxes near the blue door he'd entered from. he looked inside the box ,noticing things like soap, blankets, clothes and a... helmet? Horror turned to the small hall where he assumed the bedroom and a bathroom would probably be. Horror pushed open the door to what is probably a bedroom. The door slightly crept open. A half built bed was set in the corner of the room, the mattress leaned against the wall, a few picture frames where hung up but just like in the living room there were no pictures in them. boxes were scattered around the room. maybe Blue did move afterall but clearly it wasn't going to be with him. a special other maybe, nothing Horror could care for. Horror had noticed that the boxes had the letters B and E written on them in bold letters. B was probably marked for Blues things but he didn't know who E would be referring to. Horror walked passed the door entering the washroom, soap was beside the sink behind him a rack that would hold things such as towels and rags to dry hands and stuff. There was a mirror that stayed above the sink but it was also a place to hold things like toothpaste, prescriptions etc. behind the mirror, useful. Horror looked into the drawers and under the sink. barely anything useful was there so he went back into the living room. He walked to the door and opened it.  nothing but snow. There was only a strong gust of wind and small snowflakes slowly fell from the sky. It was quite chilly. Even if he wanted to leave he would have no idea where the hell to go anyway. Horror shut the door pacing back to the couch. there was nothing to do. Horror opened the draw that was attached to the small table, picking up the picture. a few monsters where in frame. it was Swap san's au probably. Papyrus looked awfully smug. lanky...lazy and what's more to say? lazy Papyrus seemed very strange for Horror. The sweater, posture probably reminded himself too much of himself. if he hadn't left his Au he'd probably think something like that was impossible. Alphys looked bold, strong. it's interesting to see from a someone he though of as more of a dork. In a positive light.

Undyne appeared smart. she wore a science coat and glasses. there were a lot of differences from his Undyne and all the other Undynes he's met but he didn't harbor any hatred for any of the other versions of her. though he couldn't stand the thought of being anywhere near an Undyne. Toriel and Asgore didn't change much but he had to admit, Tori looked pretty cool in the kings armor... Horror placed the photo back into the tables draw. he sighed breathing in pure air. At Nightmare's castle there was always a thick atmosphere, thanks to the pure negativity that was Nightmare himself. It was usually gloomy wherever he went. Horror closed his eyes breathing in the fresh air. it was welcoming and peaceful. Horror sat up placing his hands on his knees and turning to the door like he had done earlier. now what? He had seen all the rooms there was to offer. barely anything to do. barely anything to look at. Horror blinked facing forward what now? He pivoted, glancing around the room blinking then facing ahead again. He sat in silence waiting for Blue to return. —

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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