Chapter 11: Perfect organism, you have my sympathies, Parker/Lambert's deaths

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Sometime later, Ripley and Winter are fidding with the sickly yellow wiring in Ash's neck to reactivate him as the android's body lays sprawled out on the dining room table. Everyone is watching them. They still couldn't believe it. All this time, Ash was a robot, and he tried to stop them from killing the alien. 

Parker: How come the company sent us a goshdang robot?

Ripley: All I think of is they must've wanted the alien for their Weapons Division. He's been protecting it right along.

Sora: He knew the whole thing, and he kept us from killing it. 

Ripley: Winter, will you plug it in?

Winter: Got it.

Parker: I don't know why--

Ripley: Because he may know how to kill it. 

Winter flips a switch on a nearby generator, giving life to Ash's white fluid covered body, and Ripley grabs a soldering tool and stuck it into the wiring beneath Ash's severed head. With a few sparks, the tool gives Ash a jolt of power, his hand twitches with each spark. Ripley then turns Ash's head right side up, so he could face the crew and heroes. 

Ripley: Ash, can you hear me?

Ash's mouth twitches a little, but no answer. Now getting fed up, both Ripley and Sora crouch down, and slam their hands down on the table.

Both: ASH!!!

Ash's eyes snap open, and fresh milky fluid exits his mouth like drool. He looks at everyone. 

Ash: (Computer voice) Yes, I can hear you

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Ash: (Computer voice) Yes, I can hear you.

Ripley: What was your special order?

Ash: You read it. I thought it was clear. 

Sora: What was it? Tell 'em all. 

Ash: Bring back life-form. Priority one. All other priorities rescinded. 

Parker, Lambert, and the heroes exchange looks of surprise and disgust. The company knew about the alien all the time, and they wanted it so badly. And they were willing to sacrifice whatever and whoever they needed to, to acquire it. In their eyes, the Nostromo crew, and anyone else were just pawns, expendable, simple as that. 

Parker: (Jumps up, and glares at Ash) That's the dang company! What about our lives, you son of a freak?! And what about these kids' lives?!

Ash: I wasn't counting on Sora and his friends to be involved in this, but I repeat: All other priorites are rescinded. 

Sora: To the company, everyone, we're all pawns. Expendable pawns. (Sighs) They don't care what happens to the crew, or to us, or anyone else. 

Ripley: How do we kill it? There's got to be a way of killing it. do we do it? 

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