Chapter 3: Arriving at the planet, going out

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The Nostromo is now coming at the planet. With the heroes, they're in another room that is for other people while the crew work on something while heading for the planet. 

Ripley on radio: Sora, you and your friends hold on. We're gonna go down there, but by doing that, we're gonna have to disengage from platform. 

Sora: Copy that. Hold on, guys. Strap in.

They all strap in, and wait. They feel the ship is preparing to disengage from the rest of the ship. They hear Lambert counting down, and the ship disengages from the rest. The ship then flies down towards the planet. Winter looks out the window, and sees they're getting closer. 

Sora: Well, looks like we're gonna see what's causing the signal, guys.

Riku: Yeah.

Jaune: But could it be a trap or something? We still don't know who's causing it.

Ruby: Yeah. Should we be caution about this? 

Sora: Don't worry. We will be. 

The ship is now flying down into the planet's surface. They're holding on as they feel turbulence. 

Ripley on radio: Sora, hold on back there! We're getting turbulence! We're locked and floating. There's gonna be a little bump. 

The heroes continue to hold on as the ship shakes. The metal creaks loudly in the air. 

Ren: What was that? 

Winter: I think the ship's lost a shield. We must be losing pressure. 

Penny: We're now dropping. 

Weiss: We're about to land. Here we go.

The ship goes down to land slowly. Ruby looks out, and sees the navigation lights on. They continue holding on as the ship shakes a little. 

Lambert on radio: Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. 

The ship makes a land, but then the ship shakes hard. The heroes all grunt as they try to hold on. Then, the alarm blares in the air as fires erupt on some parts of the ship. The heroes see this, and all get up. Winter finds the fire extinguishers, and she and Kai spray the fires. 

Ripley on radio: Sora! Are you all okay?!

Sora: Yeah, we're fine! What just happened?

Ripley on radio: We're checking it out! Come to the bridge!

They finish taking out the fires in the room, and rush to the bridge. Parker and Brett rush past them as they go check it out. The heroes meet up with the crew, and they wait for Parker to see what's the problem. 

Parker on radio: Secondary load sharing out. Three to four cells are gone. 

Ripley: Is that it?

Parker on radio: No, hold on. We can't fix it out here anyway, and we need to reroute...a couple of these ducts, wouldn't you say, Brett?

Kane: Dry dock time. 

Parker on radio: Look, we couldn't fix it out here anyway. We gotta reroute all these ducts, and in order to do that, we've got to dry-dock. 

Weiss: (Groans) That's what Kane said.

Dallas: (Sighs) What else?

Parker on radio: Some fragments caked up, and we've got to clean it all out and repressurize it. 

Ripley: How long before we're functional? 

Parker on radio: Look, what is-- What-- At least 25 hours. 

Ripley: Get started on the floor panel. I'll be right down. 

Ripley goes down to go join Parker and Brett, while Dallas stays with Kane, Lambert, and Ash. The heroes also stay on the bridge. Lambert is trying to listen for anything out there. 

Dallas: (To Ash) Any response yet?

Ash: No. Absolutely nothing. Except the same transmission every 12 seconds. All the other channels are dead. 

Donald: Man. That sure is strange. How can that be the only transmission out here?

Goofy: Maybe a ship crashed here, and it's just sending out the same transmission to let anyone out there know it's here. 

Sora: What do you think, Dallas?

Dallas: Well, we're still trying to find out. 

Kane: (Looks at the monitor) We can't go anywhere in this. 

Penny: He's right. The wind out there is so cold, it's gonna too hard to breath. 

Ash: Well, Mother says the sun's coming up in 20 minutes. 

Dallas: How far are we from the source of transmission?

Ash: Uh, northeast. Just under 2,000 meters. 

Kane: Walking distance?

Dallas: (Laughs)

Ash: Well--

Dallas: Can you give me an atmospheric?

Ash: Yes. (Pushes some switches, and checks) Oh. It's almost primordial. There's inert nitrogen, high concentration of carbon dioxide crystals, methane. I'm working on the trace elements. 

Dallas: Anything else?

Ash: Yes. There's...rock, lava base, and deep cold. Well below the line.

Kane: Hm-mmm. I'll volunteer to be in the first group to go out. 

Dallas: Yeah, it figures. You too, Lambert. 

Lambert: Swell. 

Dallas: (To Kane) You better break out the weapons. (To Sora) Sora, I'm gonna need some volunteers of your group. 

Sora: I'll go with you. Weiss, Kairi, Kai, Penny, Jaune, you're with me.

They all nod, and follow Dallas, Kane, and Lambert. Later, they're all wearing space suits and helmets, and are in an airlock, preparing to go outside. The door opens, and the wind howls as it blows. They all walk outside. The lift goes down as they all stand on it. They all look around as they're right by the landing gears. They step off the lift, and walk on the ground.

Lambert: I can't see a dang thing. 

Dallas: Ash, are you receiving? 

They all look up, and see him waving at them. 

Ash on radio: Good contact on my board. 

Dallas: Clear and free. Keep the line open. Let's go. 

They walk away from the ship, to head over where the transmission is at. They walk past one of the gears, and they see it's been nearly broken off by some rocks. Weiss walks to it, and checks it out. 

Weiss: Well, that explains why the ship took some damage. 

Sora: Hopefully, Parker, Brett, and Ripley will fix it while we're out here. I've left Riku and Roxas in charge until we get back. Come on.

They continue onward to through the area out there northeast. What will they find out there? And why does Sora have a bad feeling about it?

Here's the third chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Alien. Looks like the heroes and crew arrive at the planet, and made a rough landing, that damage the ship. It's now being repaired, and Dallas takes a group, including Sora and some of the heroes, and head out to see what's making the transmission. What will they all find out there? And could it be trouble, or is someone in trouble? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. And please be more patience of my stories. I do not like to be rushed. Thank you. 


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