Chapter 9: Going in the air shaft, loss of captain

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Everyone gathers together in the dining room. Ruby has told them everything that she saw, and what has happened to Brett. The alien has grown seven feet tall. She still has Zwei in her arms. Parker has his sullen face buried in his hands, clearly devastated by Brett's death. 

Ruby: That monster was big, bigger than a man...

Dallas: You sure it took him into the airshaft?

Ruby: Yes... It disappeared into one of the cooling ducts. 

Parker: No question. It''s using the air ducts to move around. 

Dallas and Winter looks at the blueprints of the ship, trying to figure out where the alien could be hiding at in the ducts. Lambert looks at Ripley.

Lambert: Could it want Brett alive?

Ripley: (Pauses, looks at her) What?

Lambert: Could Brett be alive?

Ripley: No...I mean, I don't think so.

Ruby: No, he's dead. I saw it happen. It killed him right in front of me. I thought it was gonna kill me next. 

Yang: (Hugs her) You're lucky it didn't. 

Dallas: (Looks at the schematic) Well, this airshaft may work to our advantage. Here. It leads up to and comes out in the main airshaft. 

Sora: So, what do we do then?

Dallas: Alright, there's only one big opening along the way, we can cover that up, and then it into the airlock and zap it into outer space. 

Winter: That could work. 

Parker: This freak is huge! I's like a man. It's big!

Both Lambert and Ruby look really scared now. 

Ash: Kane's son.

Everyone looks at him after he said that. How could he say that this alien is Kane's son? 

Ripley: Come on, Ash. The science department should be able to help us. How can we drive it?

Ash: Yes, well it's adapted remarkably well to our atmosphere, considering its nutritional requirements. The only thing we don't know about is temperature. 

Ripley: Ok. What about temperature? What if we change it?

Ash: Let's try it. I mean, most animals retreat from fire. Yes?

Winter: He's right. Animals are afraid of fire. 

Dallas: Fire. Yeah. Parker, can you rig three or four incinerator units?

Parker: Give me about twenty minutes. I'll do it. 

Lambert: Who gets to go into the vent?

Sora: I'll do it. I'll go in, and lead it into the airlock. 

Ripley: No, I'll do it, Sora. 

Dallas: No. You and Ash take the main airlock. Parker, Lambert, you cover up that maintenance opening, please. Sora, you and your friends remain on stand by, and we'll let you know when we need your help. 

Everyone gets to work. Sora and his friends remain in the dining room, trying to keep Ruby calm, and help her. She holds onto Zwei, who licks her cheek to comfort her. She hugs him close. Yang, Weiss, and Blake keep close to her. Sora looks at everyone as they sit down. 

Sora: Well, now we know we're dealing with an alien life form, instead of one of Maleficent's monsters. 

Donald: Except this one is dangerous than of her monsters. 

Namine: And this ship is big, and it could hide anywhere in here. 

Ren: She's right. And since it's using the airshafts to move around the ship, it can pop out anywhere in here. 

Winter: Look, Dallas said they'll let us know when they need our help. Let's see if their plan works. They're gonna lure the alien in the main airlock, and they're gonna zap it into outer space.

Yuu: But what if it doesn't work? There's no telling if this thing is smart. That thing could easily trick us into thinking that it'll take the bait. 

Miki holds his hand to calm him down. The heroes think about it. This is an alien life form that they don't know about. For all they know, this thing could be smarter than any other alien life forms out there. As they talk, they also feel the crew is now doing the plan in the ducts. They all pray for Dallas to be okay while going in there. Sora feels like he should go in there with him. They all wait for a few minutes, and wait for an answer. Jaune looks at his card, and feels like he needs to summon it, but he can't. That thing has acid for blood, and if his monster cuts the alien, its blood will melt through the ship, and they'll get exposed to the airless air of space. Nora and Ren look at him, and pat his shoulders. They know that he might still blames himself for allowing that thing get inside Kane, and brought it on board. They assure him that it was not his fault. None of this was his fault. They couldn't wait any more. They all go to where the crew are at. They meet up with Ripley and Ash, who are at the airlock. Dallas is already inside. Ripley looks behind, and sees them. Sora nods at her, and she nods back. They see that they're tracking Dallas on a tracker, along with the alien. Just then, they hear Lambert on the radio.

Lambert on radio: Dallas, you're going to have to hold your position for a minute. I-I lost the signal. 

Her voice sounded like a hint of alarm. Everyone looks at each other with concerned looks. Ripley looks worried too.  

Dallas on radio: What? Are you sure?

Lambert on radio: Look around. Are you sure it's not there? I mean, it's gotta be around there somewhere. 

Dallas on radio: Check it out, Lambert. You may be getting interference. 

Lambert on radio: Dallas. Are you sure there's no sign of it? I mean, it is there. It's gotta be around there! 

Everyone is now starting to get very worried for the captain. This thing might be luring Dallas into a trap in there. 

Ripley: Dallas?

Dallas on radio: Uh, am I-- Am I clear, Lambert? I want to get the heck out of here. 

Lambert on radio: Oh, gosh! It's moving right toward you!

Winter looks at the tracker, and she sees a dot is moving towards Dallas. She can't tell if it's moving behind him or in front of him. 

Winter: (Talks on radio) Dallas, she's right! Get out of there! Now! Go, now!

They see Dallas is moving away, trying to get out. Lambert is yelling and shouting on the radio, telling him to get out of there. Dallas is moving down, but the aliens stops again for some reason. And a moment later, they hear the alien let out a ear-piercing screech on the radios. Everyone jumps at this as static fills the motion detector screen and all audio from Dallas cut out with a shrill whine. 

Ripley: Dallas?!

Winter: Oh, no...

Miki: No...

Yuu: Shh. Take it easy.

Parker on radio: Dallas?

Winter: Dallas, answer us! 

Roxas: Cap! Dallas, you there?!

There is no answer from Dallas on the radio. Everyone closes their eyes in despair, knowing that Dallas is gone. Ren looks at Ash, and sees he's completely stoic. He wonders why he's like this. Does he know something about this? What will the heroes and remaining crew do now? How can they stop this thing, and how will they go through this without the captain of the ship? 

Here's the nineth chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Alien. Another chapter done. Looking good so far. The crew tries a plan to go into the airshaft to lure the alien into the airlock to zap it into outer space. Dallas goes in, but it turns out the alien is smart, like an ambush predator. And it takes Dallas. What will the heroes and crew do now without Dallas? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.   

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