10- sorry

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Soraya's POV

It's finally Friday, and I'm already looking forward to sleeping all weekend. I sit in the cafeteria and listen to some music while eating my lunch which is spaghetti and meatballs. I see Henry and Natalie coming towards me, taking a seat. Henry sits beside me and Natalie across from me.

"Natalie has something to say to you," Henry announces with a grin.

"Um, okay," I reply, feeling uncertain.

"Um... I'm sorry about how I acted the other day Soraya," Natalie apologizes and it seems genuine even though she's trying not to show any affection. "I can tell when someone is a nice person and you seem really cool. I just struggle with trust issues, which is why I tend to get defensive. I'm really sorry for being mean to you."

"That's fine Natalie. I'm not offended in anyway," I reassure her. "I asked a question that was absolutely none of my business to begin with," I add.

"Yes you did, but I know you meant no harm,"Natalie replies. "Can we start all over again? I'd really like to get to know you better," she says, warming my heart.

"Yes we can, Natalie. Absolutely. I accept."

"I didn't know my friend Natalie here could display such maturity," Henry says dramatically, teasing Natalie.

She rolls her eyes at him and playfully shows him her middle finger.

They also grab their food and join me as we chit chat about our assignments until Abena arrives to sit beside Natalie.

"Hey guys!" Abena greets us all with a wide grin plastered on her face.

"Hey Abena," we all respond in unison.

"There's a party tomorrow night at Micah's mansion. All are invited," Abena announces as she presses her phone. Suddenly, both Henry and Natalie's phone buzz.

"Oh my, Soraya. I totally forgot to add you to the school group. My bad," she apologizes.

"Give me your phone," she demands, and I comply. She quickly adds and stores her number as "miss information." In a few seconds, my phone buzzes and I see that I've been added to the school group. She then sends me the party invitation as well.

"Thank you," I say gratefully.

"Don't worry about it," she responds.

I take this opportunity to also store Henry and Natalie's number as they do same. We also exchange social media handles.

"Um so who is Micah?" I ask, because I obviously haven't heard of him since I got here.

"Wait, you got here on Monday and today is Friday, and you don't know who Micah is?!" she slightly yells in disbelief.

Did I commit a crime?

"Henry facepalms, shaking his head while Natalie continues munching on her spaghetti, pretending not to know what's going on.

"Okay, I'll tell you," Abena relents. Micah Williamson is the most popular boy in school, a millionaire's only son, captain of the basketball team, overall best student in form 3 and is currently dating the most popular girl in school, Sedinam. They are in Science 3B," she concludes, providing me with a brief overview of Micah's status in the school.

"Excuse me, overall best student in form 3 by cheating," Henry corrects, folding his arms.

"Oh please spare us," Abena scoffs. "Sure, his father may have some influence but let's not disregard his intelligence, grades don't lie."

"They sure do lie if his father is helping out. However, things are about to change," Henry states confidently.

"You're just jealous Henry. You know you'd claim the top spot if not for Micah," Abena retorts.

"And don't I deserve that position?" Henry asks simply, gaining an eye roll from Abena.

"But it's just not right," I protest, taking Henry's side. "Some students put in tireless hours to study hard only to have their efforts undermined by someone who cheats the system through his father's wealth?"

"Well, that's the way it's always been," Abena replies, shrugging it off.

"Mm. I see," I respond, already fed up with it. "Very interesting traits you mentioned about Micah, especially his relationship with the most popular girl in school. It's like something out of a highschool movie, like Mean Girls," I remark.

"Of course it does. But two years ago, the power couple used to be Nathan and —" Natalie suddenly cuts Abena off abruptly, causing her to storm off in anger.

"Can't she ever shut up?" Natalie vents angrily.

"Is there something you guys aren't telling me?" I ask, sensing there's more to the situation.

"It's nothing Soraya," Henry assures me. "Micah and Nathan used to be best of friends but not anymore," he adds.

"What happened?" I inquire, sensing there's more to the story but Natalie dismisses it, saying it's not important and I can go to the party if I want but they never attend Micah's parties.

"I'll see you both in class," Natalie says to Henry and I before leaving, obviously not in the mood to discuss any further.

"Henry, what really happened?" I ask out of concern because Natalie looked like she was on the brink of tears.

"Look Soraya, this happened two years ago, and it's not really something I wish to talk about, but just know we used to be very close. I, Natalie, Nathan, Micah and one other person but she no longer attends this school," Henry explains. "But people do fall out of friendships eventually, and some friends are only there for a season and not a lifetime, he adds with a slight smile that's more saddened than joyful.

Bella must be the last person.

Why do they feel hurt, when in actuality, they were the ones who hurt Bella?

And why was Micah excluded from Bella's plan if they were all close?

This is driving me insane!

New character unlocked!

I appreciate you all💋

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