03- fresh start

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Picture of the new house ^^

Soraya's POV

This has been the busiest two weeks of my entire seventeen years on planet earth. We leave for Kofran City tomorrow and it's such a bittersweet feeling. Retrieving my transcripts from my old school, it's overwhelming as I bid farewell to my cherished mates and teachers. Upon returning, I decide to pass by Bella's house since I haven't gotten the chance to pay a her a visit.

In about twenty minutes, I get to her house and ring the doorbell. "Soraya!" she exclaims as she gives me a hug. "Someone is in a good mood," I say. She pulls me in with her and closes the door.

We both have a seat and Bella just jumps to talking about our plan. She didn't ask how I'm doing or how I feel about moving which stings a little but I shrug it off. She is just so happy and it makes me happy too.

"Those idiots are going to get a taste of their own medicine," she says confidently as she laughs. "My best friend is about to show them how it's done," she continues.

I put on a fake smile, not knowing how to react to all what she's saying. I decide to change the topic quickly. "Mom says Kofran city is really beautiful. Is that true?" I ask Bella as she nods while engrossed in her phone.

"So let me describe Nathan to you. I wish I had our pictures but I deleted them all and I can't seem to find his social media handles," she adds, continuing to scroll through her phone.

It's clear to me that Bella is only focused on this her so called revenge and doesn't really care about my feelings over here and I decide to let her know about my frustration.

"Are you taking my feelings into consideration here Bella?" I burst out. "Because ever since I got here it's just been about Nathan. I'm leaving tomorrow! Don't you feel sad? Because I certainly do." I express. "And you're only just focused on your petty plan," I say, very much annoyed. "I don't need to know what he's like, I'll handle it my way since that's all you seem to care about," I conclude and stand up to leave but Bella grips my wrist, pulling me back onto the couch.

"Soraya I'm truly sorry," Bella apologizes sincerely. "You're absolutely right about everything you said. I've been too fixated on the plan and neglected your feelings. Please forgive me," she pleads. "I do care about you a lot and I'm sad that you're leaving. I just don't want us to dwell on it as if we are never going to see each other again," she explains. "But I'll definitely miss you best friend. You know I will," she embraces me in a hug which I reciprocate.

"I got some icecream in the fridge. How about we watch a movie?" she suggests which I agree to. I end up sleeping over at Bella's but I set an alarm at 6am to ensure I get home on time. As the alarm blares, I swiftly get off the bed to turn it off. If you own an iPhone, you know how terrible that default alarm sound can be. I don't even know why I haven't changed it into something more soothing because this one can actually give you a heart attack.

After washing my face, I wake Bella up to let her know I'm leaving. We say our last goodbyes. "Don't forget to let me know when you reach Kofran city,"she reminds me. "Take good care of yourself and mommy. I love you bestie," she says, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Bella you're such a cry baby!" I tease. "I thought you said we weren't going to be all teary huh?" I remind her as she lets out a chuckle. I embrace her in a long hug during which I reassure her that I'm going to fulfil my promise to her. A faint smile forms on her lips as she nods in understanding. I order my Uber and bid Bella a final goodbye before I take my leave.

When I get home, mom is already done packing everything including my belongings. The big truck has already left with our remaining furniture. With our house now empty, our voices echo when we speak. I've been in this house my whole life. Everything I know, everything I learnt, all my memories, good and bad, are all here. I'm sad to leave it behind but sometimes it's good to see beyond what you're familiar with.

After locking up, we embark on our journey. Mom stops by our landlords house to deliver his keys before we hit the road. It's about a five hour drive so I decide to take a nap.

Mom gently taps my shoulder as she calls my name, jolting me awake. "Soraya we are here. Get down and help me with the bags,"she instructs. I let out a yawn and stretch before assisting mom with the things.

"Wow, what a stunning house," I exclaim, admiring the white exterior with a touch of brown doors and layered walls which adds to the finishing touches. The compound has all kinds of plants and flowers further enhancing its appeal. I absolutely love it.

"I agree," Mom responds. She takes my hand in hers as we both walk into our new home for the first time. It's such a simple yet classy space in my opinion. Our couches from the previous house blends perfectly in the living room. A glass center table anchors the room, while our television is neatly mounted on the wall.

I make my way to the kitchen and it's as lovely as the living room. Despite its small size, it's well organized and manageable. Satisfied, I then go to my room and I'm greeted with a surprise. The walls are painted in a lovely shade of pink! I've always dreamt of a pink room and now it's real. Absolutely beautiful. I flop onto my bed, letting out a heavy sigh. It's about to be an adventure in this new city.

How do you like the story so far?? Let me know in the comment section.

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