Chan pondered for a moment why Jisung called him an angel, but before he had found an explanation, he had also fallen asleep.


When Jisung woke up the next morning, he was in Chan arms and felt insanely good for a moment. Until he was fully awake and noticed the throbbing headaches.

"Oh God, did we drink that much?" he murmured and wanted to sit up, but he was a little dizzy.

"Yeah, we have."

Surprised, he looked at Chan. He hadn't noticed that the older was already awake.

"Good morning, Channie," Jisung said quietly and bent over to him to kiss him.

"Good morning, baby," said Chan, but frowned worriedly when he saw Jisung grimace in pain. "What's going on?"

"I have such a headache," Jisung groaned and closed his eyes in pain.

"I'll be right back," Chan said quietly, got up and ran to the bathroom to get painkillers and a glass of water for Jisung.

"Here Babe," after he handed Jisung the painkillers, he carefully pulled him up and gave him the glass.

"Thank you," Jisung murmured and swallowed the tablet.

"Do we want to see if Hyunjin and Felix are awake?" Chan finally asked when Jisung was about to sink back into bed.

"If it has to be..," Jisung murmured yawning and pushed the duvet aside. "Do I have to wear anything?"

Chan looked at the younger with a grin. He wore boxer shorts and one of Chan's shirts. "I don't care. You have to know that yourself."

"It's not as if the two hadn't already seen me like that," Jisung murmured and yawned again. Actually, he wanted to stay in bed and continue to sleep snuggled up to Chan.

"Come on," Chan said with a smile, grabbed Jisung's hand and pulled him off the bed.

But instead of in the guest room, they found Hyunjin and Felix in the kitchen. Hyunjin sat on the kitchenette while Felix made pancakes and they talked quietly.

When Hyunjin noticed Jisung and Chan, he jumped off the kitchenette, came to them and pulled Jisung into his arms. "Good morning Pretty."

"And I'm not greeted here?" Chan asked indignantly, although the whole thing actually amused him rather.

"Is it my fault that you don't feel addressed when I say Pretty," Hyunjin said and shrugged his shoulders.

Jisung pressed his face into Hyunjin's chest so that Chan didn't hear his laughter, but of course that didn't really help much.

Chan shook his head with a sigh and walked over to Felix. "Lix, you have to get him under control. He is far too close with Jisung..."

"Even if I wanted that, I don't feel like arguing with Hyunjin. He's so smitten with Jisung," Felix said shrug his shoulders and poured the next ladle of dough into the pan.

Chan sighed again and leaned against his cousin, who turned around and wrapped his arms around him.

"I know that you would like to have him all to yourself. But friends are important. And Hyunjin is a good friend to him."

"When did you become so wise, little one?" Chan asked, leaning his head against Felix's shoulder.

"You didn't let me live with you, that's why I had to grow up quickly," Felix sobbed theatrically and wiped imaginary tears from his cheeks.

"You weirdo wanted to have your own apartment. You know that I would have let you live with me at any time!" said Chan with a smile, ruffling through Felix's hair and pressing a kiss on his forehead.

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