Chapter 14.

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— Aria's POV —

Christmas has always been my favourite holiday, and not because we all get gifts, but because it's the one day a year that mom makes sure she's off work. From the second the sun falls on Christmas eve she is home and is with us for two days straight, and there's something so nice about being together as a family, knowing there is no distractions between any of us.

It's been tough since dad died, but our traditions have never faulted. We wake up bright and early, Lexi usually covers that part; screaming Santa has been at the crack of dawn so the little ones will wake up. Mom gets the girls ready in their Christmas pajamas, and I sneak down to the kitchen, starting the Christmas meal we'll have just a few hours later.

It's been that way since I can remember, of course I've had to do more since I've grown up and dad isn't here, but there's nothing I'd change to help mom out.

It's always a perfect day, and never has it been short from just that. The girls always love getting gifts and seeing their faces light up will forever repay them, and this is truly the only day of the whole year where mom allows us to treat her.

Of course, Christmas is for the kids, but I love treating my mom too. She deserves a lot, and dad isn't here anymore to get her presents, so since then I've made it my mission - and competition with Lexi - to get her the best gift every year. We truly go all out, and it's one of my favourite things we've ever done.

"Socks!" Eloise shrieks in excitement, getting a little too overstimulated this morning already, throwing the new pack of socks into the air. This is her first Christmas where she actually understands what's happening, and as heartwarming as that is, she still doesn't grasp the concept as much as Eleanor does.

"Hey, baby look, you've got one more." Mom passes the littlest the last wrapped gift and as she goes to rip it apart. "Remember, this is the last one, that's it."

"Okay, mommy."

She didn't understand at all so the tears that followed after there was nothing left to unwrap was just short of being tragic. Mom took her upstairs to lay her down for an early nap, and the rest of us looked over our own presents.

I never ask for anything, and truly I never need anything; if I did, I'd just buy it myself rather than feel guilty that someone bought it for me in the first place, so I was extremely surprised to see the pile of gifts mom had got me when I finally unwrapped everything.

I got a lot of bath products which is one of my new obsessions. I have loved showers longer than I know, but since I got pregnant all I've wanted to do is lay in a bath of bubbles and forget about my problems.

A smile never left my face as I opened cards full of store vouchers - something I know I'll use with the baby coming - and I couldn't be happier as I hug my mom, thanking her.

Christmas morning has always surrounded by hot chocolates and cinnamon buns, so as I plate up every one's sweet treat, I hear mom coming back downstairs.

"She go down okay?" I ask, licking the icing off my finger, and I almost melt. I wish I could have cinnamon buns every day, but I know why I couldn't. I'd eat the whole tray.

"Fast asleep." She picks up her own bun, taking a bit before looking at me in awe.

"I know." I smile. "El, Lexi, come get some food, it's at the table!"

Eleanor comes running in, sitting herself at the table, and Lexi follows shortly, her head firmly in her phone as she walks.

"Lexi, it's Christmas, what could be more important on your phone?" Mom says, taking my sisters phone from her and putting it down on the kitchen counter. "Enjoy life."

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