Chapter 12.

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— Aria's POV —

The drive home was long and tiring. I'm sure if Noah's jeep wasn't following me home and instead he was sitting beside me, it would've been a lot better.

When I got home, I crashed - I slept all night long - and wasn't woken until I heard Eloise waking from her second nap of the day which has never happened in my life. Never have I slept past noon without even a cry or stream from downstairs waking me.

I booked an appointment with the doctor the second I woke up and unfortunately I had over a week to wait for the next available appointment. I spoke to Noah and we both agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone until we saw for ourselves that our baby was doing well, and so all week I tried to hide the biggest secret I've ever had from my mom.

I spent most days at work, and when I was home she was usually at work herself. The only time we crossed paths since I got home from Thanksgiving was yesterday, and I quickly excused myself, heading out to meet Noah on a short walk.

We've been spending a lot of time together since we got back, and now as our appointment rolls around to today, I couldn't be more grateful. I can finally tell my mom about our news, it's been killing me to hide this from her; and I know she's questioning what's wrong.

It also means we can start to see each other properly, mom knows I'm interested in someone but hasn't had the chance - since I've ran from her presence all week - to hear about Noah. It's still early days, and family dinners are surely a couple weeks away, but I want my mom to meet him.

I want him to knock on my door and pick me up for a date, rather than me running out of the house with an excuse about a last minute shopping trip. I don't know why I'm hiding the fact about us so much, but I think it's down to that once I tell her about us, I'll probably tell her about the baby.

"Aria, stop right there!" I hear my mom shout through the house as I reach for the main door. I was going to meet Noah so we could relax before our appointment but obviously that wasn't going to happen anymore.

"Hey, mom." I smile sweetly to her, and she doesn't look at all pleased with my attempt to get on her good side.

"Sit down with me, please." She says, and I look down at the floor of the hallway like a lost puppy. "Not here. In the living room."

I wouldn't have thought she expected me to sit on the floor in the hallway, but it'd be a lie if I didn't say the thought passed my mind, so I follow her through to the living room, watching her sit on the sofa before I sit beside her.

"Are you going to tell me what happened at that cabin or not?" She asks and I look very confused. I have no idea what she's talking about at all. "You've barely said two words to me since you got back, something must have happened. Are you and Lillie not okay?"

"No, mom, me and Lillie are fine." I quickly tell her, seeing her let out a sigh of what only could be described as relief. "Nothing happened, it was a really good weekend, I've just been so busy, I haven't had the time-"

"You haven't had the time to talk to me but you've had time to leave the house at god knows what time of night?" She says with a mumble of the latter and I can't help but feel guilty. "What happened?"

"Mom, nothing happened." I stress.

"Do you really want me to ask you three times?" She asks, and I look down at my lap. I have one hour - one hour until my appointment - and I fear I'm trapped. "I just want to know if you're okay, you haven't been yourself."

"I know, I'm sorry. Work has been really stressful, and I'm really overwhelmed with it." And that's not a lie.

Ever since I got back I've worked every day and it's swept me off my feet. When I've had a moment of peace, of course I've gone to see Noah - not only because he's the father of the baby I'm carrying and he worries about me, but because I miss him - it's become quite the routine for him to either take me to work or pick me up, and when that's not possible we go on a nightly walk together.

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