Chapter 11. (!)

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— Aria's POV —

There's only one word I could think of that could describe this weekend and that would be chaotic.

I thought Highschoolers partied hard, but apparently I had yet to be around College kids to realise how wrong I was.

And the fact I was sober the whole time just made me a whole lot more aware. Noah promised he wouldn't drink, and he kept that promise all until the second night of partying when Lillie made him one of her famous drinks, and he didn't want to tell her no.

It was the only time that weekend where I was thankful for the fact that I couldn't drink, and I watched with an amused grin when Noah looked like he was close to throwing up after shotting back the whiskey glass full. He realised the look on my face, and soon he kissed me, sharing the taste of the horrid alcohol.

No matter how much we wanted to, we kept to Lillie's rules. Noah was still beating himself up over me being his sister's friend, but we both assured him enough times that it was quite okay. And so, every night - no matter how much I begged - we didn't go as far as kiss one another.

I was growing more and more impatient, and with the extra hormones running through my body, I went to bed in quite a mood with him, turning my back to him and falling asleep.

But as the sunrises, creeping through the window, my mood is easily shifted as I wake up in his arms, feeling just how impatient he is growing to be as well.

"Good morning, sweet girl." Noah kisses the top of my head, his arms wrapping round my waist and I melt into him. "Do you think anyone else is awake?"

"Hm, don't think so, far too early." I mumble sleepily, looking up at him. I can almost see the desire in his eyes alone, and excited nerves shoot through me. "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"No reason." He shifts towards me so that his dick was now pressing me in the back and I only now realise how hard he really is. His face sinks into the crook of my neck, and I roll my head back almost involuntarily. "Do you think anyone will hear?"

"They won't." I shake my head, whispering to him as he starts to pepper kisses on my neck. "Noah, please."

"What do you want?" His hand makes its way between my thighs, and I can't stop my hips from thrusting up to him so that his fingers so nicely graze my clit. "You want my fingers? Hm?"

"Please." I beg, looking up at him with so much need. It has been almost torture to lay in this bed next to him for three nights without nothing but a short touch, so much that it had me dreaming about him all night long. "Please, touch me. I'm going insane."

His hand lays firming at my hip, keeping me steady as he dips his other further between my legs, slipping just one finger inside me which is enough to have me gasp his name and my back to start arching.

"So sensitive." He murmurs so sweetly as he enters yet another finger before he starts to fuck me with them.

It's involuntary, I can't stop my body from shaking as he hits me g-spot instantly, and I keep my eyes on his, trying so desperately not to give into the tight pit in my belly that rises quickly.

I realise just how sensitive I am with how close my climax is already showing, I know if he were to carry on anymore than another minute I'd be a mess in his arms.

"Noah, please, I need you." I cup his jaw as he suddenly shifts beside me, and I watch as he lowers down my body. His eyes pierce into mine, and I could feel my heart race at just the sight alone so much that I fear my heart could leap out of my chest at any moment.

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