Chapter 2.

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— Aria's POV —

You know you've had fun the night before when you wake up with a horrifying headache, the taste of alcohol still coating your tongue, and the smell of sex lingering in the room you passed out in.

So, when I stretch out with a yawn as the sun beams through the window, I'm hit with all the flashbacks of everything I did last night. I can't say I regret drinking so much, but I do wish I'd taken the water bottle from the guy I slept with.

I sit up in bed, recognising the same blue walls from last night, and I groan, laying my head in my hands. I wait another minute for the hammering in my head to pass before standing up, grabbing my clothes off the floor.

I wasn't surprised to wake up to the bed empty beside me, it's very rare that when I do have a one night stand that I wake up next to them. Either I'm the one leaving in the middle of the night or they do.

I take a look at my phone, seeing that it's only seven o'clock and I curse my body clock for waking me up so early. I thought for once I'd at least sleep in, but of course, I wake up just on queue for when the morning school run would be like I do every weekend.

I check my messages, finding a goodnight message from my mom, but nothing from her this morning so I can only hope she's still asleep and the kids are letting her sleep in.

In the past, I usually would shut my phone off, get back into bed and go to sleep for another couple of hours, but despite feeling a little groggy, I am wide awake and desperate for a hot shower at home.

I need to get the smell of alcohol and the lingering touch of a man off my skin.

I know Lillie will be passed out somewhere, possibly with company so I leave the house without saying goodbye, sure to message her when I get home. I hate sneaking out, but sometimes, I'd rather get home than be badgered for details about my sex life.

Until last night, I hadn't had sex in weeks. It's not something I look out for like other people do, usually it's the last thing on my mind unless there's vodka in my system which may sound unhealthy but by the time sex actually comes around I'm basically sober.

It's the confidence that alcohol gives me that actually drives me to approach the guys I'm interested in, I'm not at all as confident without the drink and I'm a whole lot more fun too with some vodka in my hand.

The morning chill has my skin crawling once I step out of Lillie's house, and I can't help but run to my car in a rush.

I didn't feel too bad when I first woke, but I want to get home now, I'm not used to the walk of shame, and I certainly aren't happy doing it. I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm ashamed, but I surely aren't confident in my steps as I open my car door.

The drive home is beautiful, the sky is pink as the sun makes an appearance, there's no traffic on the roads, just a few stray cars going too and from work on this early Saturday morning, and as the radio plays some country, I hum along to the few tracks I know.

I don't expect anyone to be awake when I arrive home, so I'm shocked to find the door unlocked when I finally gather my things from my car. I question if mom had forgotten to lock it, but that never happens so I quickly think of other reasons as to why I have to lock the door behind me with my key.

"You're home!" Lexi startles me as she pops her head round the kitchen door, and I roll my eyes. That's why the door was open then. "How was the party?"

"Good." I croak out, only just now realising it's the first I've spoke all day, and my voice is very husky. I clear my throat, dropping my bag and shoes at the bottom of the stairs before following her back into the kitchen. "What are doing up?"

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