Chapter 5.

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— Aria's POV —

It lasted a week - a week full of sickness that had me practically bed bound for all seven days.

I didn't leave my room once unless it was to spend a few hours on the cold bathroom floor. I spent every day drinking as much water as I could and trying my hardest to get food down me, so I could get back to work.

Still, I have no idea what was wrong with my stomach - if it was a stomach bug or that I had just been eating the wrong things - but finally as Monday came around, I woke up without that sickening feeling and I couldn't have been happier.

I've been back at work for a week now, I've finally settled into my role there, I've met everyone there is to meet, and I've even got close with a few.

Sarah works behind the check out with me most weekends, and we take turns making the coffee and taking orders which makes us quite the perfect team. Then there's Nick, he works throughout the week, he's a little older than the rest of us but he carries great conversation so it's always a joy to be on shift with him.

Since I was so ill the first week, and didn't showed my face there since the first day, I took it upon myself to work overtime this week to try in some way make it up to my boss. I know he's not mad, if anything he was concerned, but still, that doesn't stop the nagging thoughts in the back of my head.

So, when I'm not asleep at home, I'm here working my ass off.

I may be speaking too soon, but I've actually been really enjoying it. I love having something to do in a day that doesn't revolve around school runs on a morning and possible mall trips. I love meeting new people in a day, learning everyone's stories, so separate from one another's, and it's nice to have new friends.

Even though they're coworkers, it's nice to have good company in the place you work. I've already been invited by Sarah to go out for drinks one night - I had to let her down slowly with the fact that I legally cannot for another year - but it was the thought that counted anyway.

It's seven hours into my first shift of the second week, and I only have ten minutes left until I have to leave. Eleanor begged me and cried at my door just last week asking me to come see her in a school performance which she's doing today, and of course, I said yes.

One of the greatest blessings of being a big sister is seeing your smaller siblings partake in such activities that gave you the best memories when you were little.

I explained to my boss - and really after the past two weeks I was pushing my luck - but he was more than happy with me starting early today so that I could leave my shift an hour earlier this afternoon.

So with a very early wake up at five o'clock, I started my shift just as the sun was rising, and as I watch the clock on the wall slowly tick by, I wait for it to turn two so I can leave.

"I can't believe you're abandoning me." Nick grumbles from behind the counter, and I smile at his misery. He's not going to be alone, Joe - who I don't work with as of yet - is coming in straight after me.

"I'll be right back here tomorrow." I tell him as I sweep the cafe floors. The lunch rush had just ended so with just one table right in the back occupied I take it upon myself to tidy what looked like hurricane leftovers that was scattered on the floor.

"You're leaving me." He fakes a sob, and I roll my eyes. He's so unserious, and really, it's funny.

"Do you wanna explain to my little sister that the reason why I couldn't come to her school performance was because you - a grown man - didn't want to be alone for five minutes?" I ask him, and he flashes me a smile. "Thought so."

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