Chapter 10.

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— Noah's POV —

Delilah rang me a week ago, begging me to join her at our dad's cabin, apparently she'd promised him that I would come, and that was the only reason why she was allowed to use it for Thanksgiving. At first I didn't want to, I was more than happy to spend the week with Aria, but after our amazing weekend together, she never called me back nor did she answer my calls.

It would be a lie if I didn't say I was hurt, I know we had barely even gone on a date with each other, but it felt like so much more. So, when she never got back into contact with me, it felt like I was dreaming - all that I had felt was simply stupid - and so I rang my sister back.

I needed to get away from home, and it's not exactly a cheerful Thanksgiving with my dad, so I agreed, and started to pack my bags for the short trip to the cabin.

We don't come to the cabin often, only in summer break when we were kids and even now it's just for special occasions like this week. It was nice to park up outside the familiar house, walking into the space where I've always felt most at home.

I was so excited to finally relax, and get away from all the drama I left back home, but it wasn't long until she was standing right in front of me.

Aria was here.

I was shocked more than anything, and then I was hurt. It was like she was taunting me, rubbing her own happiness right in front of my face. She knew I'd be here, there was no way she didn't, so as I watched her run up the stairs, Delilah running right after her, I left.

I didn't want to go home, so instead of being the over dramatic asshole I'm always told I am, I took myself on a walk to try and calm down.

So as I walk beside the lake, one mile from the cabin, I ponder over about a million questions I have circling my mind.

Why is she here? How does she know Delilah? I've never heard my sister speak about Aria - not that we speak often anyway though.

She lives at home with her mom and her step-dad, she barely sees dad, and since I moved out into a place of my own, we hardly see each other either, so I guess it isn't much of a shock that I didn't know her friends name.

I find a smooth rock to sit on, and I watch the birds fly over the water in front of me as I think.

Aria ignored me for four days, and it hurt me. I told her parts about myself - about my life - that I haven't told anyone, and I just don't think I can face her right now.

I don't want to go home, my dad is probably getting drunker by the second, having god knows who at home, while my mom rots in a hospital bed not far from where he lives.

It sickens me that I can't give my mom the life she deserves, she did so much for all of us before she got ill, I can't believe this is how my dad repaid her. If I had the money - which I don't - I'd bring her home to mine and have a full time nurse live with us, but it just isn't doable right now.

Maybe one day.

I don't know how long I'm sat on this rock, staring at the view in front of me, but when it suddenly draws in colder and the sky starts to turn a lovely purple shade, I know I need to head back to the cabin.

I'm not sure what I'm going to say when I see Aria, I don't know what I'm going to say to Delilah either. They both seem to be quite close - almost as if they're best friends - and I'm sure if Aria hasn't already beaten me to it, Delilah will be quite upset to find out I've been dating Aria behind her back, even though it wasn't my intention.

Me and Delilah have always had a silent agreement. She wouldn't date my friends, and I wouldn't date hers. I can't believe I've broken that.

Once I arrive, I stand at the door for what must be close to five minutes and it's not until I hear the laughs of both girls I know from inside when I open the door.

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