38 -- It's Something Worth Protecting At Any Price

Start from the beginning

Gweedore, Ireland

July 2024


The old farmhouse rests on a small hill in one of the most remote areas of County Donegal. The front overlooks the long-ass driveway, and so does Conor's study. Despite the top-notch equipment that secures the property, he likes to keep an eye on things. It's paranoia at its best that has guaranteed that he and the fam have remained safe throughout the years.

When we pull up in the rental, he's out in the yard, pushing a soccer ball around with his feet. I get out of the car just as he takes aim at the goal. The ball rolls forward, but the goalie makes no effort to stop it. Instead, the young boy is frozen in place with his mouth hanging open.


He flies toward me; by the time I wrap him into a hug, a few tears have escaped and roll down my cheeks. Not even a day has gone by during these past six years when I didn't miss him with every breath.

"Let me take a look at you. You've grown so much."

His arms tighten around me. "Will you be able to stay this time?"

"No, not yet, but it won't be much longer. I promise." I kiss his hair, soaking up his scent. He still smells like the little boy I cradled close to my chest the night I dropped him off with Conor. I want to hold on to him forever.

When I finally release him, I find Bastian's gaze. His face is absolutely flabbergasted.

I tousle my son's hair. "Sean, this is my friend Bastian and his son Vitaly, and well, this is Sean."

Bastian's mouth opens and closes but no sound escapes. He doesn't need to mutter the question for me to understand.

How come your son is still alive?

Conor walks up. In his overalls, the heavy work boots, and the carpet of hair he calls a beard, he looks like any other Irish farmer.

"Conor Doherty." He stretches out his humongous paw and Bastian's hand gets swallowed up in the shake. To my amazement, Bastian keeps a straight face, even if his bones must be screaming in pain.

"Bastian Artino."

Conor juts his chin at my son. "Sean, you were going to check on the horses."

Vitaly's ears perk up. "You got horses?"

"Yeah, we have a whole bunch. Do you wanna see them?"

"I'd love to."

One look at Conor and a nod, and the boys are off into the fields. Conor works his bottom lip with his teeth, his gaze on Bastian. Uncertainty of whether he's a friend or a foe are all too evident in his features.

I got this, I mouth.

He clears his throat. "I'd better check on dinner. Stew should be done soon, so don't be too long."

He disappears inside the house and I lead Bastian to the little bench out back. We sit down and Bastian's question is out before I can even take my next breath.

"How is Sean alive?"

"When it came down to it, Nico couldn't pull the trigger. He and the other Disciple he was with let us go, but he was very clear: if Icarus ever found out that Nico had gone against direct orders, all of us would be dead. No exception. Your uncle would come after each and every one of us."

Bastian narrows his eyes. "What do you mean he went against direct orders?"

"Sean was never going to walk out of that warehouse alive, even if I had been able to give up Marcel. Icarus wanted to use Sean as a warning that he would stop at nothing, including killing a child, if anyone ever dared to double cross him again."

"I can't believe this." Bastian's hands are balled to fists and his knuckles are white. "I swear I didn't know."

"I believe you, but now you must also realize that the endgame was never revenge. Icarus has to die for us to survive. As long as he's alive, Sean and I can never be together. If he were with me, the risk that Icarus could find out that Nico didn't kill him is too high, so I've been hiding him here. I also owe this to Nico. He spared Sean's life and I couldn't live with myself if Icarus shot him because of it."

Bastian rubs his eyes. "So it's us against the Disciples. We have to kill Icarus for both of our sons to live."

At that moment, Sean and Vitaly come running back toward the house. Their faces are full of life and their chuckles promise a budding friendship.

"I'm already on level thirty and got this really cool gun." Sean's eyes spark with excitement. "You have to see it."

Vitaly's stance is relaxed for the first time since I met him. "My grandpa never let me play video games."

The backdoor to the farmhouse opens and I just hear Conor's grumbled, "Get those muddy boots off" before the door slams closed again.

Bastian's eyes are filled with awe. "So that's what an ordinary family looks like."

"And it's something worth protecting at any price."

WP total word count: 39,885

Alrighty, we have reached the ending of Paradise Falling (for expansion plans, please read the announcement). I hope my final plot twist came as a surprise -- I did leave a few breadcrumbs throughout and made sure that Chelsea, while claiming that Sean was dead, never actually thought these words and never had any flashbacks of his actual death (everything always stopped with Nico holding the gun to Sean's head). Therefore, I hope I didn't leave myself with any plot holes; however, if I overlooked anything, please speak up so I can fix it.

This story was a wild ride and a lot of fun to write.  I want to thank everyone for supporting me throughout this journey -- your reads, votes, and especially your comments kept me going and even influenced the story's direction a few times. It has been a privilege sharing this story with you. 

Now, one final time: If you enjoyed this chapter, please consider a vote and/or drop me a comment. Thank you so much for reading -- you guys are the best -- and I hope to see many of you again for the expansion of Paradise Falling after the conclusion of the ONC 2024.

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