Chapter 8- Wedding Highlights

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"Xavier Darling!"

Oh no. I know that voice. The one voice I didn't want to hear.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath and smiled as I sent up a prayer hoping to be saved and turned towards the voice and there making her way towards me in her huge heels with a lot of makeup and her hair up was Aunt Mary, the one aunty that everybody cleared away from, the one that gossiped about everyone and everything and I was a very good target because I'm never able to breakaway from one of her conversations wait nope one sided conversations.

As soon as she closed in her perfume hit me like a truck making me want to cough.

I plastered on a fake smile and went in for the cheek kiss she was expecting.

She immediately pinched my cheeks, "How long has it been since I last saw you?"

"Ummm,quite some time," I managed.

"You look just like I remember, stick thin and looking sick, Are you ok?"

I wouldn't call myself stick thin but of course she insults me. But then again she always insults whoever she speaks to. Multiple times in a single conversation. I smiled wider.

"I'm fine Aunt Mary,"

"Hmmm, you should eat more,"

I didn't even say anything and started looking around for a source of escape. 90% of the time it was my sister, today she was busy so without another alternative I listened to her.

"....was supposedly not invited, Do you know why?"

Oh shit! "Huh?"

"James was not invited was he? You know why?"

James? Who was that? "I don't know,"

"You really need to learn what's happening in your family, you're very unhelpful you know?" she tsked.

She then scanned me once again as she sighed, "You really should gain a bit more muscle to get a girlfriend,"

Not this again. She refused to acknowledge that I was gay. She claims it's a phase because no woman wants me. I took a deep breath and went ahead. "No, my boyfriend doesn't mind,"

"Your what? never mind," her eyes then darted to focus on something behind me and they widened and lit up,

"My my, who is this handsome man? Is he your friend? You have to introduce her to Nora, Wait she's probably around here somewhere, I'll call her," she said looking around.

Lucien then cleared his throat getting her attention. "I'm actually in a relationship,"

"Oh,"she looked disappointed. "You would've been perfect for my daughter,"

I highly doubted that, with her snobby attitude there was no way she fit Lucien.

"She's lucky, but when you breakup you can ask Xavier for Nora's number,"

"Actually, I'm the lucky one because he's amazing," Lucien spoke up as he held my hand intertwining our fingers and then held them upto his lips and kissed mine.

I blushed as he maintained eye contact the whole time.

"What!?" She asked. "You're one of them queers?" She sounded absolutely scandalized. "And worse yet you're in a relationship with him?!"

What was that supposed to mean? I thought my brows furrowed. You know what who cares. I do. Is that what other people think when they see us? That we aren't a match for each other? Did I look that bad? Did Lucien think so?

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