Chapter 1- Summoning A Demon

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"I'm telling you right now that you will not be by yourself at my wedding,"my sister declared as she took a chug from her beer can.

"Why?I'm perfectly capable of being alone in the corner,also I'll be very happy to not go,"I said looking up from my phone.

"In a corner?God that asshole,"she muttered annoyance evident in her voice.

"I'm an asshole cuz I wanna be alone?"

"Not you but come on Xavi,for your sister,it's not like I get married everyday,''

"It's not like you can't," I muttered.

She huffed in annoyance."Not the point,listen to me,I want my baby brother to actually be there with someone instead of being alone.I know that you don't mind being alone but it hurts me everytime I see you alone and I really want to enjoy my special day without being depressed on your behalf,"

"Are you sick or drunk?"

"Neither,you didn't let me finish,I also may have bet on something."

"Oh my God Vi,you did not participate in a bet about me,"

"Oh shut up,it's not that bad,it is but I chose the good side,the winning side,"she said smirking at me.

"What's this bet about?" I asked kind of curious as to know what this whole thing was about and about who started it.

"Ok,so you know how mom hosted that big dinner for our family?The one you were too "sick" to attend," she asked using air quotes around sick.

I nodded and she continued,"Derek was there he was the asshole mentioned and the asshole actually bet 10,000 dollars that you will be alone at the wedding,I overheard and bet that you'll not be alone cause you're seeing somebody.And your car also may or may not be involved," she said suddenly looking sheepish.


She nodded a faint grin on her lips."It's not like I could offer mine,"

"You could've just kept shut!"

"Uh No,They were all saying stuff about how you're always alone,friendless and a bunch of other stuff and I walked over and punched his face which is why he wants your crash it,"

"Vi,you can't just go around punching everyone that bad mouths me,"

"Watch me,I have before and I will keep going,bitches better watch their backs,"

I couldn't even be mad at her.She was fiercely protective and always went about defending me.It was sweet of her but gave me anxiety cause when she messes with the wrong person,it's game over.

Shaking my head I smiled at her,"Fine I'll look for a date but you're wedding's in like two days,How can I find someone so fast?"

"Text around or look for a fake boyfriend service,those are very popular these days,you can literally rent a boyfriend!"

"Hmmm but then wouldn't the chances of Derek finding out be high?'

"Oh yeah,"she slumped where she was sitting by the sofa."We'll think of something, for now let's drink,"she said handing me a can.

We were both half asleep and very drunk and on the floor when a high pitched squeal filled the air,wincing I looked around for the banshee.

"Xaviii,I found ittt,"Vi slurred from the floor next to me.

"Found what?"

"You a date!"

"That fast?If it's one of your friends,No thank you,"I said blinking my eyes to adjust to the light.Is it me or is the sun in my living room?

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