The night sky tonight is clear, and the stars in the sky are like a black and purple curtain, forming a gilded Milky Way.

They stood at the highest point in Guangxing County, with the cold wind blowing into their sleeves and robes. Looking down, they could see the lights of thousands of houses.

Zuo Anli glanced at the person on his heart from the corner of his eye, and made his own vows in this new year.

If he is admitted to the Imperial College, he will definitely confess his love.

They already liked each other, and it was fitting that he should take this step after he had achieved something.

At that time, he will continue to move forward to be worthy of such a dazzling Bai Jin.


Spring passed and autumn came, and three years passed in the blink of an eye. Bai Jin and the others also stayed in Liucheng for several autumns.

It was the Shangyuan Festival of the year, and Zuo Anli invited Bai Jin to travel with him.

They are much more mature now than when they first arrived in Liucheng.

The Dali Dynasty also underwent earth-shaking changes, and those who were mainly affected were the so-called upper class people, who lived in the houses of Zhongming and Dingding, and had little to do with the common people who were digging for food in the fields.

When the Dali dynasty was rising and prospering, the struggle of the aristocratic family was without gunpowder, and they could not cause much trouble at all.

What they did was nothing more than assassinating and poisoning the emperor. However, they were just playing tricks on the mantis, and they could not withstand the rolling wheel of history no matter what.

Ironically, contrary to the aristocratic families that sadly came to an end, the presence of children from poor families became more and more frequent.

The sharp drop in paper prices is a heavy blow to the monopoly family, but it is a great blessing to some poor families.

As the saying goes, "Be a farmer in the morning, and ascend to the emperor's hall in the evening." Who doesn't hope that their children will be successful, study more and become officials, even if they are the worst, they must be an accountant. live.

Reading can be said to be the simplest and easiest way to cross class. If knowledge is in your own hands, no one can take it away.

Children from poor families loyally support and appreciate the current emperor, and as the person in charge, Bai Jin has received countless rewards in private.

Although it was not exposed openly, everything was recorded by Qi Julang, and he only waited for the new emperor to ascend the throne before making everything public.

The Lantern Festival is undoubtedly lively. Thousands of lanterns fill the buildings like daylight, and some tall trees are even hung with lanterns. It looks beautiful and moving at night.

As Zuo Anli grew older, he grew more beautiful and became more like a fairy. He was dressed in white and stood upright, looking like green pines and cypresses.

The Lantern Festival is also a good day for unmarried men and women to go on a blind date, so many people have set their sights on him. Unfortunately, the concubine is interested and the man is ruthless.

The elegant and handsome young man had no interest in them. He declined the wallets and handkerchiefs from the girls' friends with a gentle but distant look, and politely informed them that he already had an appointment.

The Time Traveler Is A Bit Sweetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें