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Another frigid day had begun in the Icelandic forest. Einar woke up early, as he did every day, but determined to stick to his daily routine. After a quick breakfast, he prepared himself to tackle a day of maintenance and work around the house.He donned heavy clothing suitable for the harsh climate and ventured outside with Eldur by his side. The cutting cold penetrated his bones as he made his way to the tool shed, determined to tend to the needs of the house and the surrounding land.The first task he tackled was the maintenance of the greenhouse. Frost and wind could have caused damage, and Einar needed to check that everything was in order. Einar entered the greenhouse to inspect the plants to ensure they hadn't suffered too much from the surrounding cold. He began to check them one by one, and finding no significant damage, or at least no visible damage, he decided to also check the potatoes in the garden. The only vegetables he had planted that winter in the cold.The garden was covered in snow, and Einar took some time to shovel it all away, despite trying every method to remove it from the garden by spreading salt. Once he confirmed that the potatoes hadn't suffered significant damage, Einar turned to gathering firewood for the fireplace and for future construction projects. With Eldur's help, he cut and collected logs from the surrounding forest, stacking them in a pile near the house for future use.He then decided to inspect all the structures for any damage due to the cold and wind. He checked the tool shed, Eldur's little house in the garden, and his own house. No structure had been damaged.Meanwhile, Eldur happily frolicked in the snow. He dug a hole near his house and put one of those bones that had been left from the deer a few days earlier. After burying his treasure, he sat in his kennel, staring fearlessly at it, suggesting with his gaze that he wouldn't be lenient with anyone who dared to take it from him.After hours of hard work, Einar took a break, sitting by the fireplace with Eldur at his feet. Watching the dancing warmth of the flames, he momentarily felt detached from his worries, finding comfort in the simplicity of life in the forest.As the day drew to a close and the sky turned orange and pink at sunset, Einar looked out at the snowy landscape spread before him, grateful for the beauty and tranquility of his home. Even though that white was tinged with red for him.

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