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In the Restaurant ;

I sat along Vijay and Priya had to sit along with Ralit as he was a late comer and was unaware of the situation.I Don't Know how to start I mean why is she there with rudra and his friends am I the right person to ask her did I make a mistake by lying to bhaiya about her I am filled with questions in myself

Vijay started," Priya will you like to talk or else shall I ask you in specific?" With an expression of anger demanding an answer from her ,as Vijay and Prashan are good friends. Priya with an exhale started," Actually I and karl are classmates we both are from the same school. Karl was my first love." She ended. I was more than shocked I mean i thought bhaiya was Priya's first love as when she entered University she was almost like me never interested in love only concerned about studies but later on for bhaiya's efforts she had to melt and they became lovers.

Vijay then said," so why did you run into him again?". Priya replied,"After 6 years prithi's date was the first time I met him, on graduation day I didn't notice him being with prashan but on prithi's date I noticed him and during our relationship I had many unanswered questions from him about our breakup which made me to message him again. Sorry prithi last time when you went to the washroom in the office I took your phone and forwarded Karl's info and that's how it ended up meeting him today ".

I exclaimed," what is this Priya I never expected such behaviour from you. You might have told me all this earlier then I myself would have set up a meeting for you guys now everything you did became a mess can't you feel it Priya ?"

Then Vijay said in a bit of an angry tone," what's the need of it Priya when everything is ended and you were having a good life with Prashan what's the need for digging in the past?"

Priya's eyes seemed to get teary so i immediately swapped my seat with Ralit and went to coax her ," Cool down Priya it's not that you did something wrong it's just our concern that you hid it from all of us is making us angry anyway if you had got your answers for your unsolved questions leave it there and start new with Prashan bhaiya" i said out of concern on Priya.

Priya's tears flowed out and she tried to hide them with her hands but I gently removed her hands and rubbed her tears with my fingers and hugged her in a reflex as i felt it was the very first thing she needed I patted her back and tried to console her. Though I am not a hugging person as i don't like physical touches but i felt like doing it this time for the intensity of the situation.

After a while Priya was back to normal, then Vijay catching her hands apologized for being a bit aggressive,Ralit had no reaction towards her , I want to put an end card between their silent treatments for Priya and Ralit, so I said," enough of this Priya and Ralit I have been enduring your behaviour from 2 years let's put an end anyway we are getting apart due to our professional life's and career barriers so it's childish for you guys to stick on something which was 2 years ago," I was about to complete then Priya stopped me saying," leave it prithi, I and Ralit are never meant to be friends he doesn't have a control over his tongue which makes things better". I said," okay i accept that Ralit behaved childishly by asking about your personal life in front of everyone but you shouldn't be childish by ignoring him for years right". Ralit with an expressionless face said," I had already apologized for my mistake but does it make sense for her boyfriend to come in between when the fight was between us friends"


while all of us friends were busy working on our project which was due for the next day in a cafe near our college. Priya and Prashan stopped working and started chatting while Vijay and I were working continuously for 3 hrs so Ralit told all of us to have a break so we ordered some coffee and snacks for ourselves and started talking to each other then we started talking about the same old topics first love, crush etc..... then Ralit asked me about it i said i never had one then to Vijay he said he had a one sided crush for some 7 years but never expressed it. Then he asked Priya till then she was okay but suddenly when he asked her about her first love in front of everyone she exclaimed in horror," can you not interfere in my personal life Ralit remember your boundaries before crossing.." I was shocked like why is Priya so harsh all of sudden. Then Ralit apologized but Prashan entered the show," don't you know that there are things called limits in friendship blah blah blah" some nonsense she said to defend Priya but I felt sad for Ralit as it was common to ask things in friendship at that age I guess from then on Ralit and Priya always had cold wars


" Okay fine now let's forget everything Priya and start new i hope there are no more secrets between us friends and about prashan bhaiya if you don't wanted us to tell him we three will be silent and never interfere but try to be clear with him as i guess trust is the key element for love" i said to end the discussion and soon Ralit dropped all of us home and returned home safely....

I started writing everything in my diary, starting from Vijay and my meeting to clearing Priya's and Ralit's fighting and I slept on the desk as I do it sometimes as reading and writing makes me feel at peace.....

♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Author's message:

What do you think will Priya choose karl or prashan ?

Are there any more secrets between karl and Priya stay tuned for updates....

Next part is completely about Rudra's feelings and Rudra's POV stay tuned the real fest is ahead ♥️

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