New Love?

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   {In The Hotel}
Vector eagerly rushed down the stairs of the hotel, he wore black dress pants his red button-up with black suspenders, and a black tie that wasn't properly put on while holding a black leather jacket in his hands.

    "You dressed yourself up nicely today," Vaggie said as she walked over to fix Vextor's tie

    "Of course, I wanna make a good first impression on the seraphins and others in Heaven. They shouldn't fear us we can be just as nice and kind as they are." Grinned Vextor as he watched Vaggie fix his tie.

    "Well not everyone is nice up there. We've had a couple of hiccups while up there before." Vaggie mentioned as she finished fixing his tie and kissing him on his cheek, "But, you still show them that they have nothing to fear." smiled Vaggie. Vextor looked towards the staircase after hearing the pattern of his mother's footsteps running down the stairs. Charlie was wearing black suit pants with a black button-up and a red vest over it

    "The portal should be opening any minute now. Are you two ready?" questioned Charlie

    "Of course Mom, I really hope they like me." grinned Vextor

    "I'm sure they will sweetie." smiled Charlie as she laid her hand on his cheek. Vextor smiled and hugged his mother tightly within seconds after a bright golden ring formed in the lobby of the hotel lighting up in flames revealing another land on the other side.

    " I hate to break up the cute hug going on here, but the portal opened for us to go now," Vaggie said as she walked toward the portal

    "Oh, my stars It's time!" busted Vextor as he ran toward the portal ending up on the other side. Vextor squinted his eyes trying to look around. Everything was much brighter than it was in hell it was more bright and golden instead of gloomy and dark

    "Hello there, Welcome to heaven! May I get your name please." smiled St.Peter

"He's Vextor Morningstar. He will be attending a meeting with my wife Vaggie Morningstar and I today. We're supposed to speak with the seraphins today." Charlie said

"Ahh...Mrs.Morningstar welcome back to heaven. Umm yes, let me call them to come retrieve you now." St. Peter said as he flew over the gate to retrieve the seraphins. Vextor stared up at the tall entrance into heaven as he waited with his parents. After an hour of waiting St.Peter flew about over the gate seating himself at his desk.

"The Seraphins will be here soon." St. Peter said as he returned to his work. Minutes after he said that the entrance into haven opened up and three individual walked out.

"We are so sorry to have kept you three waiting these two were finishing up a festival." Sera said as she welcomed in the morningstars

"Yes, we do apologize. Emily and I needed to clean up the aftermath of the event. I'm so happy to get to see you again though Charlie." Sir pentious stated while looking at her and Vaggie. Vaggie didn't say a word as she stared at Sir pentious, Vextor looked over at his mother and noticed that her eyes began to water up.

"You're alive! How?! When did you get here?!" Charlie exclaimed

"I believe I arrived a few hours after I died in hell. Aparently my sacarifce was worthy enough to be redeemed in heaven." Smiled Pentious. Without hesitation both Vaggie and Charlie ran to Sir Pentious hugging him tightly.

"We thought you were gone for good!" cried Vaggie

"Haha me? Never!" laughed Sir pentious as he hugged Vaggie and Charlie

"I don't mean to interrupt, but whos that?" Emily questioned point at Vextor.

"That's my son Vextor." Charlie answered, "He's the future heir to hell, and one of the sweetest person I know." Charlie added.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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