A New Begining

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{4 years ago}
"Where are we going Veggie", Charlie giggled as she followed Vaggie blindlessly through the hotel

"You'll see just keep your eyes closed. We're almost there", Vaggie said as she held Charlie's hand guiding her through the hotel. Vaggie led Charlie to the roof of the hotel.

"You ready Love", Vaggie said removing the blindfold from Charlie's eyes, "You can open your eyes now.". Charlie slowly opened her eyes revealing hanging lights on the rails of the roof, flower petals scattered across the floor leading to a beautiful candle-lite table.

"Vaggie.." She gasped while covering her mouth, "This is so beautiful. When did you have the time to do all this." She said as she tried to hold back the tears.

"Don't worry about that mi amor. Let's just enjoy the night together" Vaggie replied as she wrapped her arms around Charlie picking her up and cradling her in her arms. She sat Charlie down in one of the chairs at the table and sat down with her.

"Vaggie this is all so beautiful," Charlie said looking around at all the decor as Vaggie reached her hand across the table grabbing hold of Charlie's hands, "Charlie when I was a left here. I was terrified. I thought I wouldn't last the night, but then you came along. You showed a type of kindness that not even other angels have shown each other. You helped me at my worst and I will forever be grateful." Vaggie looked dreamily into Charlie's eyes, "In you, I've found the love of my life and my closest, truest friend. I wanna be the reason for your smiles every day because you are the reason behind mine." Vaggie added as she got up from the table walking over to Charlie, "I fell in love with you for a million tiny reasons, and I want to spend a lifetime discovering more. Which is why I wanna ask…" She smiled as she got down on her knees looking Charlie in her eyes, " Charlie Morningstar would you make me the happiest person in hell and allow me to become Mrs.Morningstar Motha?"

"Are you…. Are you serious?!" Charlie blushed, as her heart pounded wildly in her chest, "Of course, I'll marry you!" she added, as she embraced Vaggie with tears rushing down her face, " I love you so much Vaggie" she cried, "And I love you more mi amor" Vaggie said as she held onto charlie with tears rushing down her face.

{Present day}
"Has anyone seen Vex?! I can't find him anywhere…" worried Charlie as she paced the hotel lobby.

"He'll show Charlie he couldn't have gone far if he doesn't leave the hotel." Lucifer reassured, as stopped her from pacing making her look at him, "Vextor fine sweetie." He added.

"You're right Dad I don't know why I get myself so worked up." sighed Charlie as she hugged her Lucifer, "He's probably just goofing off somewhere in the hotel" She claimed.

"Or playing on the roof.." Angel added as he walked into the hotel, "He's what?!" shrieked Charlie as her eyes widened big

"Relax hun I'll go get him." Vaggie said as she stretched her long white & black wings, "I'll be back shortly" she added as the door slammed behind her. Vaggie flew up to the roof of the hotel. Sitting on the ledge was a boy his hair white as paper with blonde strips going through it stared out above hell.

"Hey, Vexs what you doing up here?" questioned Vaggie as she sat beside him. Vextor let out a sigh, "Mom talks so much about redemption, but what about those who can't leave here? Are they just supposed to suffer?" Wondered Vextor.

"Where is this coming from?" Questioned Vaggie. Vextor stayed quiet at first as the wind blew past his face, "I went into town today with Uncle Alastor.." Vextor hesitated, " I know I'm not supposed to leave the Hotel, but I wanted to see and Alastor was willing to take me so It's not like I was alone." He reassured as he stared out above the hotel.

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