Angel of destruction(modified)

Start from the beginning

Emotionless now named Lykon and Melios are about to fight using a fraction of their real abilities.

Lykon: Ready?

Melios: Yes.

They look at each other, Lykon knows about Melios abilities but He doesn't know anything about Lykon. There is no air, the infinite void being their arena they will start moving at the same time.

3 seconds passed but it felt like an eternity to both of them. Lykon did the first move, he doesn't have claws but he has something that can do, he is an expert in strings, he used them to cut his opponents without them being able to react, it is deadly and almost invisible but unfortunately for Lykon Melios sees his strings starting to cover the area and then he pull on them causing all the countless string to appear and string completely The zone making it a deadly labyrinth, Melios let him do this so he can see what Lykon is able to and now he will just tank every Lykon will use, but already the string just by barely touching him cut him making him bleed from every part of his body, and something else is happening as Melios can't regenerate the damage until the strings are out.

Lykon: You will stand there?

Melios didn't answer and crossed his arm. Lykon smiled and then used his mastery to make the string moving like a whips striking their target, Melios is bleeding more and more but he heals almost instantly. Lykon then summoned his weapon, a white spear with a black glowing, just a move is enough to shake space around, he stabbed the air at Melios direction forcing Melios to go back and be cut into pieces by strings but his regeneration is faster. For every string going through his flesh, the nanosecond, they doesn't cut a cell it reforms instantly. Lykon did finish as he pointed his light spear at Melios a ray started to form and it fired touching Melios and Blowing a major part of the anti void up. Ink hid in an ink portal and Core teleported far away to not be touched, they then came back to see Melios heavily injured with his right arm gone and regenerating back quickly. Melios wants to see more. Lykon then stopped hiding it and then stopped the time for a second stabbing with his spear Melios everywhere except the head to not kill him and then resume time. Melios is shocked as he had to regen back from just his head. He is impressed and intrigued. He quickly grow back his body and his clothes, strangely.

Melios: What was that last thing?

Lykon: My secret ability if I unveil it to you you will have to die. Because it breaks the rules of nature that shouldn't be allowed. Now let me present myself again. I am Lykon the 17th King of the Fallen angel race and The angel of Time and Destruction.

Melios was convinced they stopped the fight here and Core went saying hello to Lykon with ink as they were also shocked by the destruction he can produce while holding back he could have killed Melios, even tho he wasn't moving, his defense is high enough to take a Multiversal destroying attack without dying. We can consider Lykon as a 404 Level even a little bit higher, he could potentially stay alive against b404. Something that isn't nothing. They then went back home and Lykon was intrigued by things in his house he couldn't test as he was immaterial.

Lykon: I saw you moving images, you use something in the room behind, with what you call a keyboard and a mouse.

Melios: You already saw my memories about that, these are video games, you can try them, but hold back I have to change the material into alpha metal or you could break it with a click.

Lykon then moved so fast he sent flying the TV but he instantly replaced it and Melios had a hypothesis about Lykon secret ability. Melios has space related abilities and Lykon Time related abilities. His name could be seen as the protector of the Time and the bringer of Destruction, but it is the Time controller and the Destruction bringer.

Melios(to himself): If I had to fight him for whatever reason, we would destroy multiple multiverse in the process he is way stronger than me but he is always toying around until he gets cornered so I will have to make a counter to his time ability.

Melios then went down to see Papyrus and Bird ice skating with grace and flashiness, Melios ice skating rink is really simple but the way he makes the room stay cold at all times is unknown, he maybe used ice that won't thaw. He then joined them and profit of this time to code something else that will be needed, a cycle day night here.

Melios(to himself): I want to be able to sleep and knowing that I slept a day and not several years.

Melios's body can sleep but sleeping without any difference of time will make his body choose a time until he thinks it is enough and when he was in his Universe he sometimes slept for hundreds of years. Melios then stopped and the other followed him back up as they heard crackling sounds upstairs, it wasn't in the basketball ground but in the Pc room where Lykon was raging and Papyrus was a little bit annoyed by that.

Papyrus: Who is that mother f0cker destroying our PCs.

Melios: I present you Lykon he was the one with whom I talked as he was bound to my soul. And for why he is breaking out PCs.

Melios approached and saw he was playing parry strike: global defensive and got 50 defeat straight.

Melios: Understandable, Lykon wants a hand? Bird here is one of the best player. He can carry you, even tho Chara can stand her ground against him, she isn't as strong and I suck personally.


Melios and Papyrus were shocked

Papyrus/Melios(to themselves): Is he really a being able to destroy Multiverses?

They played for hours and, because Bird carry them, won a lot of matches. Then Melios who had enough went outside and called Core to do a global announcement to the Omega timeline.

Melios: Core. Can you come please. . . . Thanks. I called to do an announcement that a new cycle day night will appear here as I will form a moon and a sun that will this time produce their own light and make a full turn in 24 hour exactly i consider now it is 7 pm.

Core: Ok announcement will arrive in 3. . . . 2. . . . 1

The announcement was seen everywhere, they all look at the sky and saw Immense dimensional door appearing with A sun and a moon of same size dropping out, to then be at a great distance.

Melios: I put them there. And it won't stop doing there cycle until, they are destroyed or the Omega timeline is destroyed.

Core: Thanks a lot for that.

Melios: Not gonna lie, it's more for me. I will be able to sleep at last. . . . .

Core then disappeared and Melios went in, he was tired for the first time in millions of years and he went up to his room, and lie down on his bed closing his eyes and sleeping with the sunset.

To be continued. . .

Note: No more inspiration, I am running out of ideas please help me.



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Kingverse Book 2:Melios the angelWhere stories live. Discover now