Angel of destruction(modified)

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Melios was still working on Emotionless' new body and it was soon finished. Now in his room are Core and Ink looking at what he is doing. Both are really intrigued by who it is.

Ink: Who is it supposed to be?

Core: It looks like an angel with his wings but I didn't ever see one before you.

Ink: is it a gift for someone?

Melios: Got it. It's a gift for the one who always stays with me, all along my life since I fell in the Underground.

Core: Oh the one that is bound to your soul?

Melios: Exactly, i wanted to thank him for following me until now and even saving me when I was in danger.

Core: Did he look like that?

Melios: I don't really know. His race got extinct during a war and the next thing he saw was him bound to me for some reason.

Ink: Maybe because of her.

Melios: Whatever she is dead now and I am happy with that. She sent so many to die. I am the only one who survived that. Core could you see me back there?

Core: I couldn't as this space didn't really exist. talking about it we have a VHS Sans here but he doesn't know her.

Melios: It's for the better. I wish to never ever learn about someone going through the same thing. . . . Let's just go back to a happier subject I finished the body.

Melios opened the dimensional pocket and slowly slid the new body of Emotionless. It is more human than what they thought but it is surely a good body as it is supposed to be a copy modified of Melios' one.

Core: How will he pass in that?

Melios: I will have to do a thing but first we will have to go away. Ink come closer, Core let's join back there.

Melios teleported really far away from the Omega timeline inhabited zone. Now they can only see a white infinite, it is really calming compared to the void which produces anxiety to anyone who stays in for too much, it is even worse than death.

Core and Ink took some steps back for security. Melios then asked Emotionless to enter his new corpse. At the exact moment he did, it provoked an immense shockwave and Emotionless had his own body.

Emotionless: Ha it feels good to move with matter. It is really good, even better than I thought. So can I test this new thing against you?

Ink: What? Here? Please at least hold back or change of void.

Core: Don't worry it will be safe as long as Melios doesn't cut everything down.

Melios look at them with a disbelief face and hand raise.

Melios: Why would I do that here? Even if Emotionless beat me up I won't do that.

Melios looked back at Emotionless.

Melios: By the way what about changing names. Now your older self is dead.

Emotionless: I give you the honor.

Melios thought a bit about a name that will convince him, taking all the possibilities like Emile. But he wants his name to be Grecian or Latin as he likes the mythology.

Melios: What about Lykon? It is a name reminding the night, and the creature of the abyss. It could also refer to the Lycan a mythological creature.

Emotionless: I will take that until you find something else.

Melios: Welp kill me I suck to find names.

Kingverse Book 2:Melios the angelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя