The Red Zone

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It took a few days for Eris's vision to come back, with the help of several herbs. William had been impressed how she had managed to figure out who he was and explained that he faked his death to escape from the Council's control. He started a group which consisted of Daniel Henry, another runner that went missing, Rose Evelyn, an old runner whose arm was found, and Mina Einar, who gathered information from the Hounds. They had been trailing Eris for a while as Mina had informed them that she had somesort of hatred towards the Council. Once her eyes had healed, she was finally able to see the dump that she had been in. The place was an old military base, and around the area was a massive wall with barbedwire on top. Outside the main building were two gardens and a small coop with about ten or so animals that resembled a scaly chicken mixed with a chameleon. The heads were large with eyes that moved independently. Their wings were the only part that had feathers, and their feet had only two toes. Since there were only three (now four) people who lived at the base, they didn't have a lot that they needed.

Eris had been informed that they were in the Red Zone, and even stepping outside the walls would cause a pack of Stalkers to desend on to her. Stalkers, Eris found out were large predators that looked like large dogs mixed with spiders. Eris had seen one only hours after gaining back her vision. Their backs had large bone like spines, their mouths didnt fully close due to the jagged protruding teeth, they had four eyes which were a dark red and a massive claws that made a clicking nose when they walked not to mention the eight legs. Nightmare fuel. The Stalkers moved slowly, but Eris had seen how quickly they could move once they caught sight of prey. Luckily, they only hunted in the Red Zone as they didn't seem to like to move far from their nests.

Now that Eris could see, William was quite good looking, he look similar to his sister. His skin was littered with scars and tattoos, his long curly hair was done up into a bun, and he had peirceing in his ears. Daniel had blonde hair that was shaven, very bulky, and was missing a front tooth. He was also deaf so he spoke in sign, which William and Rose translated for Eris. Rose was a nice girl who had short brunette hair. Of course, she was missing an arm, and she was the one who tended to the crops and animals. She was told that Tyson and Jessica had both made it out of the substation before it collapsed, so they were back at the camp. Eris wanted to go back, but it would blow the group's cover if she suddenly appeared alive and well after disappearing for almost a week. So, instead, she helped William travel the Edge, watching the other runners and collecting resources. As Eris followed Tyson for a bit, she noticed how close he had gotten with Ajack. That was good. He was obviously upset with her ‘death’ and he needed a shoulder to cry on. But she still felt bad that she couldn't tell him anything, not yet at least.

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