The Harpoon

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"Yo Eri, Errrri, are you listening to me?” Eris looked up from her digital panel, which displayed a survival guide, to see a tall lean boy with his dark hair hanging in long dreads standing in front of her. “What do you want, Tyson? I'm trying to read here.” Tyson rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his rugged jeans. “Why? Reading is so boring” Eris looked towards Tyson and stuck her tongue at him. “Well unlike you, I'm actually putting some effort into learning how to survive in the wilderness.” Tyson just rolled his eyes at this comment “Nerd” he teased as he sat down next to Eris. “Soooo, first day?” Eris looked at him with confusion “What the fuck are you talking about Tyson, this is both of our first day you know this.” Tyson put up his hands “hey i'm just trying to make small talk no need to get hissy” Eris just rolled her eyes and went back to reading. “Yo, are you two newbies?” Eris looked up to see a tall woman walking towards them. “Yah, we are.” Tyson replied as the woman stopped in front of them. She was dressed in a simple black crop top and worn out jeans, she had dirty blonde hair cut into a buzzcut and under her left eye was an eyelike growth which Eris guessed was part of the reason she was here. “Well then, the train leaves in about forty-five minutes, don't be late.”

Once they had gotten onto the train, which was called the Harpoon, Tyson and Eris sat down on the seats that lined the walls of the train. “So what makes you Runts?” Eris looked towards Tyson and next to him sat a short black haired boy who had machine grease on his face and hands. “Excuse me?” Eris gave the boy a confused reply, she noticed that the boy, although small, had some muscle on his arms. “I mean you wouldn't be here if you weren't deemed a Runt, so…why are you two here?” The boy smiled and his green eyes sparkled as he awaited a response. “ Well I was born out of wedlock.” Tyson was one of the most common Runts, those whose parents had them before the Council official certificate of permission that every married couple gets once they are allowed to start trying for a child. “Cool, me too and what about you?” The boy directed his question towards Eris who sternly stared at the boy. “Why society has deemed me a Runt is not your concern nor is it any of you fucking business.” Tyson let out a sigh as Eris answered “Geez someone's hissy, but come on no ones going to judge.” The boy pleaded, Tyson sighed again and leaned his head back on to his hands. “Don't waste your breath, she rarely tells people that kind of personal information. I mean it took several months before she trusted me enough with that information. Well anyway what's your name then?” Tyson leaned over a bit when he asked the question. “Oh yeah I'm Ajack and you two?” His smile seemed to get bigger as he asked the question. “Tyson and she's Eri.” Tyson pointed his thumb towards Eris. “Eris my name is Eris, Eri is the nickname that only Tyson can call me.” Eris didnt want anyone bur Tyson to call her that it was a special thing between them. “Well then I'm looking forward to working with you guys.”

“The journey to the Edge will take a total of two days, everybody has been given a metal tag which displays a number, this number is your assigned group which will have a room. Each room will have up to four people. Everybody will be in their room by eight pm and lights out at ten thirty. Everyone will be woken up at four am and breakfast will be served at quarter past five, lunch is at half past twelve and dinner will be at quarter past six.” A computerised voice read over the overhead announcement system, once it had finished everybody looked at their metal tag which hung from a simple leather necklace. Altogether there were about thirteen Edgerunners and all of them started to find their groups and head to their rooms. “Yo, Eri what number did you get?” Eris turned to see Tyson coming towards her dragging Ajack behind him. “I got…” Eris looked at her tag which displayed a simple engraved number 1 “looks like I'm in group 1.” “Yes, we're all together. Come on let's get to our room.” He grabbed Eris's hand and pulled her along with Ajack, as they were leaving the Cargo cart Eris spotted a short woman with her dark hair in long braids. What made Eris stop was the jagged scars that littered her dark skin, she remembered hearing the Hounds at the Pickup talking about her, Elizabeth Right the oldest surviving Edgerunner. “Hey, Elizabeth right?” Tyson and Ajack stopped and looked back at Eris who gestured for them to continue. “Yes, and you are?” Eris noticed Elizabeth's hand move towards her back pocket, probably reaching for a defensive tool. “Eris, it's my first day. I heard the Hounds at the pick up talking about you.” Elizabeth raised an eyebrow and moved her hand away from her pocket. “Yes, they do love to gossip and spread rumours about the lives of Edgerunners, especially those of us who have had some more…tragic experiences. Well then enjoy your stay on the Harpoon, it will all be worse after this trip.”

“So who were you talking to?” Tyson looked up as Eris entered the room that group 1 had been assigned. “One of the older Edgerunners. Have you and Ajack already unpacked?” Eris looked around the room, it had a bunk bed on the left and right wall, the back wall had a small window which looked out at the monotone grey city speed past. On the left wall next to the window was a door which led into a small bathroom which contained a toilet, a sink and a shower which seemed to be slightly leaky. “hi we haven't met just yet, have we?” Eris walked out the bathroom to come face to face with a short somewhat chubby girl with short thick red hair and a face full of freckles. “No, we haven't and I would rather keep it that way.” Eris spat out her words as she glared at the girl in front of her. “Yo, Eri not cool my dude, not cool.” Tyson was sitting on the bottom bunk which creaked as he got up. “It's ok Tyson she's probably just a little nervous about her first day, right uh Eri, that is your name right?” The girl held out her hand expecting a handshake, “I'm Jessica by the way.” Jessica gave a smile which showed her teeth. Eris swatted Jessica 's hand away. “Thats Eris, only Tyson can call me Eri.” She pushed past her. Tyson came up to Jessica with an apologetic look “So sorry about her, she's well a cynic in a way to put it simply, I mean thats what ive heard people say but im pretty sure she calls herself that too.”

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