Crimson Water

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It was the fourth week in when everything went south. As normal Eris and Ajack had done collecting resources and were heading back to camp when the ground started shaking. Eris and Ajack got down onto the ground and waited for it to stop. Once it had stopped they ran back to camp.
“What happened?”
“That was the Edge crumbling abit more, there will be few more tremors. Hey have you seen Tyson recently?”
Elizabeth looked concerned when she asked this question which made Eris's stomach turn. Her mind started thinking of all the bad scenarios, with the earthquake Tyson could have been inside and got caved in or he could have been on the edge when it crumbled. “Where was he assigned?” Eris was desperate now asking Elizabeth who was in charge of assigning areas and groups. “The sub station near the mall, he was assigned with Jessica.” Before Elizabeth could finish Eris took off and even though the Dust Hounds tried to stop her, which they made little effort, Eris booked it to the Edge.

At the sub station, Eris's fears were true, the main roof had collapsed. She ran to the rubble and started to dig through, calling out for Tyson. Once she had clear an entrance she ran into the building, still calling Tyson's name. Inside she ran down what remained of a hallway looking for any sign of her friend. At the back of the building was a hole which she looked down into. It led into a tunnel, on the floor was what looked like footprints. Eris climbed through the hole into the tunnel, once inside she started to again call for Tyson. Once she was deep into the tunnel she once again felt the feeling of someone watching her, and a shuffle of footsteps. She tried to follow the sound but started to feel light headed. Her knees collapsed from under her and she landed on her hands and knees. She started to cough uncontrollably, when she opened her eyes she was met with crimson. She was coughing up blood and alot of it. Eris tried to take deep breaths as she sat back against a wall, but all she got was more coughing. She felt a warmth run down her face and reached to it with her hand. When she pulled it back she saw that her hand was covered in blood, bleeding out her nose and eyes. Nycerin. She remembereds back to the survival lessons, Nycerin gas caused intense bleeding, blindness, light headness and eventually death. As she started to lose her vison a figure approached her, it knelt down and a full face gas mask came into view. Then nothing, she lost consciousness and slipped into inky blackness of a dying sleep.

“...ooking for her friend, probably thought they were still in the building when it collapsed during the tremors.” As Eris started to gain consciousness she was met with...nothing. Her vison was obstructed by something, fabric felt like a bandage. She sat up and tried to take it off but was stopped by a pair of strong hands. She tried to free herself but it made no effort. “Hey, hey easy your eyes are still injured. Relax we are not enemies.” The voice was definitely male very familiar but it was also soothing, which made Eris calm down. “What happened. Where is Tyson.” Eris sat up and tried to feel around. She felt the edge of the bed she was on and swang her legs over it. “You entered a tunnel flooded with Nycerin gas, your lucky we found you when we did.” The voice spoke in a accent that sounded very familiar, Eris thought back to people who had very similar accents and come to a conclusion why the voice and accent sounded familiar. “ You should be dead you know.”
“And so should you William Right.”

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