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In the beginning, humans lived on a globe-like planet we had called Earth, but we were killing this planet, and it was becoming uninhabitable, so our greatest scientists started to look for a new place to live. One day, a young scientist found a way to travel to a new dimension he named the Everlands, and very quickly, the scientists created a way for humans to travel to the Everlands where society rebuilt But as always all good things must come to an end and after around three hundred years the edge of the Everlands had crumbled through several farms, towns and finally a major city and we had to flee inward. After traveling for decades, we found an area rich in resources and was far from the slowly crumbling edge, so we rebuilt. The new city was named Crate after a Greek myth and with the new resources Olympus was built, named after the Greek gods, this city was raised into the sky so that the rich could live with their lavish sins and sycophants, leaving the poor to rot below…

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