End of Journey

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"It's all your fault" Allison looked up at her mother who was dressed in her mourning clothes, she turned to the casket that held the remains of her mom Mary. "I'm sorry." Allison's voice broke as she tried to apologise but the tears came flooding. "Just get out you worthess fucking Runt." She was only able to get a glimpse of her mother's hatred filled grey eyes and bright red hair before she pushed her backwards onto the recently extinguished fire that was used to burn the ceremonious banner. As Allison landed on the still glowing embers she let out a scream of pain, and in the distance she heard her name being called..."Yo Eri, wake up." Eris cracked her eyes open to see Tyson's face right in hers. "What do you want, you dick. I'm trying to sleep." Eris pushed his face away and turned over to try and hide her tear streaked face and wet eyes. "Well the train has slowed down so I think we are arriving at the Edge, also you were crying and i know you hate people seeing you cry." Eris let out a groan and sat up. "Fine I'm up, but i get the first shower." Eris got up and headed towards the shower with her duffel bag and as she closed the door the siren sounded to wake everybody up. Eris let out a sigh and turned on the shower. After a quick wash Eris got dressed in the uniform that got handed to them last night. It was a simple dusty purple short sleeved top and a black jacket that had lots of pockets. The pants were black cargo pants with some purple details. They did not provide any shoes so Eris put on her black combat boots. As she walked out the bathroom she tied up her hair into a quick bun which highlighted a white strand of hair that was normally hidden when she has her hair loose. She looked up as the announcements clicked on. "Please get ready and packed, the Harpoon will be arriving at the drop-off by mid-day." Eris let out a sigh. "It's going to be a long day."

Once the Harpoon reached the drop-off and as Eris got off the train she looked around. The drop-off was a simple slab of concrete that had all sorts of plants growing out of cracks, on the far end was a bunch of metal roofs which were rusted and falling apart, around the platform were the ingenious bushes, trees and flowers which grew out of a blueish purple sand of the Edge. Waiting at the end of the drop-off were a bunch of off road trucks. "Oh now we are travelling by truck? Egh those things look dirty though." Eris turned to see Tyson standing next to her carrying a large black supply crate. Behind him came Cleo who was also carrying one of the black supply crates. "Not for us, its for the boxes and the Hounds. We walk." She pushed past Tyson and walked to the first truck where she handed the crate to a Hound that loaded it to the back. "Aw man. I hate walking." Tyson complain as he carried the crate to the truck. After all the supply crates had all been loaded, the trucks drive away, the large wheels kicked up the blueish sand which turned a purple almost pink as it made drifting clouds in the air. All the runners had been given a duffel bag which contained two 4L metal bottles filled with water, a bunch of nuts and dried fruit packed into packets, a roll of softened paper, some rope, a small spade and a waterproof jacket. "What's the paper and spade for?" Ajack had pulled out the roll and was looking at it confused. There were a few giggles from the other runners which just made Ajack even more confused. "Its to make a toilet and clean yourself after." Elizabeth explained as she was putting her bag onto to her back and tying straps onto it with the rope. Once she had secured the bag to her back, she headed into the purple dust. The walk was long so by the time they had reached the camp, the day had almost ended. The clouds had started to block out the sun which turned the sky a dark orange. The camp was laid out with eight wooden cabins, all had all sorts of vines and moss growing on the rotting wood, the cabins were arranged around a large hall four on each side. Eris guessed that was the dining hall and there was a large pit which had charcoal in it so it must be a makeshift fire pit. "Geez this place is a mess." Tyson was sitting on the floor panting from the long hike. Eris rolled her eyes but you could definitely see that very little funding went into this camp. "Well this is our life for the next six months."

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