The Choosing

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"Grandpa Stan, you're not telling Allison one of your silly stories again, are you?” The ninety-six year old man looked up towards the door to see his granddaughter standing in the door frame tying up her black hair. “Stories? I dont tell stories, I tell history, our history. I do not want my great grandchild to grow up without knowing how we came to be in such a decaying society.” He gestured to the small child in his lap who was looking up at their great grandfather. “Their your child Mary, don't you want them to be a smart and observant child?” Mary walked into the room while rolling her eyes. “ Allison will be taught everything at school w” “BAH!” Mary sighed when her grandfather interrupted her. “I don't want my great grandchild to learn those lies. It's how the government keeps control over us.” He grumbled as he lifted his squirming great grandchild off his lap and put them onto the floor. “Where is Jane? She's meant to be here to take Allison to that stupid Choosing event thing?” Mary held out her hand for Allison to grab. “She's going to meet us there.” She explained as Allison grabbed their mother's hand and looked up at her with her large grey eyes. Mary led her child out the door as Stan heaved himself up while grumbling about his back pain. “She better be there. They won't let you in if both parents aren't present.” He mumbled as he hobbled over with his cane tapping on the floor in front of him, Mary was putting on Eris's shoes while they buttoned up their jacket. “Oh and tell that wife of yours to bring back my watch in one piece. It's a very old heirloom. I shouldn't have even lent it to her.” He grumbled as he hobbled back into the other room and plopped back into his chair where he fell asleep.

At the event hall, there were hundreds of people about, with young children ranging between four and six who were clinging to their parents. “Now Allison, remember to stay close to me, okay?” Mary looked down at Allison, who gave a small nod of acknowledgment. “There you two are.” A small woman with long ginger hair styled into a French braid pushed her way through the crowd towards the pair. “About the time you guys got here, I've been waiting here for an hour.” She walked up to Mary and gave her a small kiss on the cheek, then bent down and gave Allison a hug. “Sorry, Grandpa Stan was telling one of his stories again, and we took like thirty minutes Jane.” Mary explained as she bent down and picked up Eris. Jane rolled her eyes at the explanation. She grabbed Mary's hand, and the two walked into the bustling event hall. Once they got inside, a Hound stopped them at the door. “Child's name and registration, please.” The Hound asked through a full face mask that disoriented their voice. “Eris Allison Grace.” Jane said as she showed Eris's wrist to the Hound. The Hound scanned the registration chip that every child born in Crate and Olympus was implanted with at birth. The Hound looked at the digital panel in his hand and nodded for them to enter before turning their attention to the family next in line. “This whole thing is absolutely idiotic” Mary muttered as Jane and her found seats and sat down to wait their turn. “I know, dear, but unfortunately, this is how the Council has decided to manage higher employment.” Jane acknowledged as she leaned towards her wife to whisper. “I'm just hoping Eris doesn't qualify to be taken as a Hound.” After waiting for around an hour, an older man dressed in a white laboratory coat walked up to them with a digital display panel. “The Grace family with Allison Eris Grace.” He looked at the family who nodded and started to get up. “Ok then, please follow me.” The man nodded and walked off with the Grace family close behind.

“So then we will be taking blood and doing some basic scans to see if your child will be compatible to become a Hound, now if they are, they will be taken to Olympus when they turn eight so that they can be trained.” The doctor explained as he was looking at his digital panel. The doctor, Mary and Jane, were sitting in a small office with Allison looking at an aquarium tank that was built into the wall. “Now before I can start, I've been reading Allison 's birth file, and it says here they were born intersex, is this information correct?” He looked towards Mary and Jane, waiting for a response with a troubled look. “Uh… yes, Allison was born intersex this is why we use they them pronouns well until they are old enough to decide what gender they want to be referred to. Will this be a problem, sir?” Mary's face was showing signs of concern as she explained to the doctor. The doctor let out a sigh and took off his glasses. “I am deeply sorry, but your child is a Runt.” Mary raised her hand to cover her mouth as she let out a sob, her eyes tearing up, Jane gave her wife's free hand a tight squeeze and looked towards Allison who was tapping at the aquarium glass. “I'm afraid Allison will have to become an Edgerunner.”

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